Chapter 2

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Professor Rothschild did NOT disappoint. You could already tell from the moment he introduced the class he was going to be an ~interesting~ professor. He rambled some facts about himself and passed around a sign-in sheet. His first part of the lecture consisted of the mundane introductory material: the syllabus, class assignments, and grades. You always wondered why professors spent what seemed like an eternity going over the syllabus even though you were all very bright and most of you (hopefully) could read it on your own. You kept scribbling on your notebook to keep your mind from wandering and to focus on what the professor was actually saying. You noticed the student you just met twirling his pen around his fingers. He must have been bored, too. Thankfully, the professor zoomed through that portion and started his philosophy lecture right away. His first lecture topic was about how different cultures and philosophers define love. At the end of class, he assured you all that "the sexy stuff" was coming later in the semester. Nice.

You wrote down your final scribble and began to pack your bag. When you stood up to put your bag on your back, your seatmate was already across the room, heading out the door. What's the rush, buddy? Where's the fire? You remembered Professor Rothschild had recommended forming study groups for his class. You thought it would be nice to work with someone you didn't have to dumb yourself down for. Even in college, you found yourself sometimes having to carry the team in group projects or study groups. It was more fun to work with other students who were just as excited about class as you were, and you were confident this guy would be the perfect study buddy. You quickly darted down the stairs and out the classroom door, catching up to him in the hallway.

"Hey! Wait up a sec," you called out to him.

He didn't realize you were talking to him, so he kept walking. You walked even faster and grabbed him by the back of the arm to get his attention. He swiveled around, underestimating how close you were to him, and your head bumped right into the top of his chest. No one else was in the hallway, saving you from total embarrassment. You both gasped in surprise. You were inches away from each other. You could feel the warmth of his body radiate towards yours. The first thought that popped into your head and right out your mouth was, "Oope- hey, you smell good!"

You froze. Did you really just say that OUT LOUD? Note to self: transfer out of this class immediately. He backed away from you, so he could look at you at a more appropriate length away. He grinned nervously and ran his hand through his hair.

"Ooh-oh thank you," he said, slightly confused.

You quickly changed the subject back to what you planned on asking. "Would you want to study together sometime? We can swap numbers and make a plan to meet up in the library?"

"I would really like that, actually." Was he blushing?

You took out your phone, and he recited off his phone number to you. "Is there a name that goes along with this number?" you asked with your eyebrows raised and a smirk.

"Spencer Reid," he stated.

"Y/N," you stated back. You both smiled at each other, sensing a feeling of mutual excitement.

"I would walk you out, but my next class is about to start in ten minutes and it's across campus," he said, slightly disappointed.

"Okay! See ya around, Spence!" you said as you gave him a small wave and walked out of the building.


The rest of the day went smoothly. You only had two other classes on Monday, an upper-level biology class and a research lab. When you left the lab, warm fuzzies filled you from head to toe. You had a great start to your new semester. You loved all your professors so far, and the coursework seemed like a healthy challenge. You were also happy with yourself for making so many connections, too! First, Spencer. Then, you met Emily, a master's degree student on staff in your research lab and a resident of your apartment complex. Emily said she would introduce you to another friend she knew and suggested the three of you go on a "girls night out." You readily agreed because you were curious to see the nightlife in California and see if it lived up to its hype. You were always down for a good time.

It was around 5pm by the time you made it back to your car. You drove back to your new home. The day had gone so well, you were already calling it your new home without it being weird. You lowered your windows, feeling the cool air glide through the car as the sun kissed your face. The radio sang some Top 40 Hit you didn't know but you didn't care. You couldn't be bothered to change the radio.


You unpacked your bag onto your desk at your apartment. You sat down in your swivel chair with your phone out and twirled around. You planned on starting some classwork, but the idea of classwork made you think of Spencer. You scrolled to his new contact in your phone. Hmmm.... his contact was incomplete. It needed an emoji! Only people you didn't fuck with didn't have an emoji. You thought for a second...You honestly didn't know much about him to pick one. You needed to change that. You clicked on his contact and selected the text message feature.

"hey there! It's Y/N from philosophy :) I'm free all day Thursday if you wanna study?"

You got up and made yourself a quick snack. When you got back from the kitchen, you checked your lock screen for a notification. Hmm. No response. That's okay. He's probably busy. Or maybe he was just being nice and thought you were a total weirdo who sniffed people and told them they smelled good. Oh god, that was definitely it. You might have to actually follow through on transferring out of that class. Or maybe he saved you the time and transferred himself out already. Or maybe-

"Hey, Y/N. Thursday works for me, too. What time?"

Phew. Almost had a heart attack.

"10 am?"

"Perfect. I know a great spot. 5th floor, study room 505. It's in the back corner."

"sounds good! can't wait!"

Hmm. Maybe that was being too excited. You were trying not to sound like a creepy stalker, remember? You were just excited to already have a friend and couldn't contain yourself.

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet :)"

You didn't know the other quote he cited earlier in class today, but this one you knew right away. You were earning a minor in philosophy, so this one was easy money.

"Okay, Aristotle, save it for Thursday smh"

"Haha glad you got the reference. Maybe you're going to be the one tutoring me?"

"I was but a learner, but now I am the master >:)"

You hoped he was pop culture smart just as he was book smart so he could appreciate your Star Wars reference.

"Star Trek was better, just saying. Even though there are scientific inaccuracies, they predicted a lot of the technology that we use or are exploring today."

You smiled as the memories of you and your parents watching Star Trek reruns at night flooded into your head. Then, the smile slowly faded as your feelings of homesickness caught up to you after you kept your mind busy all day.

"I have to agree, but you know Dr. Who takes the prize, right?"

"Most definitely. I would rather talk about my Dr. Who theories all night, but, unfortunately, I have some work to catch up on. Talk to you later, okay?"

"Goodnight :)" 

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