Ingsocs Introduction

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~Ingsocs Point of View~
cw: blood, vomit, small alcohol mention

I found myself passed out in the snow. Slowly fluttering my eyes open, and trying to focus on my breathing, I looked down at my bloodied hand and knuckles. Before I gently rested my hands on my vest and looked up at the sky with a deep exhale. I can feel the heavy aching in my head, it's hard to even think straight. This happened for one or two odd reasons I'm not too proud to repeat, those incidents are the only thing flooding in. For now, let's just say mistakes were made and lines were drawn.
I pulled myself up from my icy bed and dusted the snow off of my clothes. A white, now bloodied, button up shirt, vest, black knee length coat, that type of thing. I looked out at the city, a city unaware of what happened, even if the populous did know, I'm sure they would ignore it. I do too much for this god forsaken city for them to look into anything I do out of public eye.
I shakily stood up before stumbling onto a tree and throwing up my guts into the roots. Pain. I'm not going to go into detail on that one, but I just need to get back to the estate so I can bandage these knuckles before they get infected. Unlike literally everyone else, I don't use the drugs those scamming doctors prescribe. Arsenic just sounds bad for you, and I'll go with my gut instinct on that one.
Suddenly I felt a firm hand on my shoulder, I jumped and turned around before bitch slapping the stranger. I winced at the pain I felt in my already hurt knuckles.
"Ow! Sir! Why?!"
"Oh it's just you..."
It was my butler from back at the estate. "Wait, why are you here? And how'd you find me??"
"Instinct sirr.."
He rubbed the side of his face trying to wipe off the blood from my hand.
"And you have a letter at the estate. You told me to never open them and just tell you when they arrive."
I turned on my heels and began the journey back home. "Very well. How far are we from the estate? A few kilometers at least." I pulled my coat around me tighter and ran my fingers through my hair.
"You're right on that one, sir."
"Did you walk on foot??"
"Fucking idiot! We have a carriage for a reason!" I barked before turning to face him. "Anyway, who was the letter from?" I asked. The butler hesitated, why? Who could it be from? I'm not expecting anything...
"The one girl you're talking t-"
"I don't even write to her, that's your job. Why wouldn't you just open it and write back?"
"-is dead. She went missing, I have reason to believe it was a letter announcing her disappearance."
"Good riddance." I turned back around. "Now hurry, as crime rampant in the streets, we have to get home earlier."
He quickly followed me, I could tell by the very close footsteps. I glanced back at him before fixing my gaze back onto the horizon.

~skip to when they get back to the estate because i'm lazy and no one wants to read that~

I stood outside of the estate, looking up at its grand display. It's important to have a welcoming outside and living room, though the rest is up to you and your personal preference. At least according to me. Along with the ever lingering sting of guilt over what happened last night and the pounding headache, I stepped inside.
A chandelier hung on the ceiling, above the two staircases that ran to the second floor. Laced with black wooden railing. The walls were white marble, the floor checkered black and white. I found myself making eye contact with my reflection in the mirror. My piercing red eyes in contrast with my deep black hair was always shocking to everyone, even myself at times. Not to even mention the scar. The mirror's frame was of gold. There were many hallways that branched off in every direction, you couldn't see in hardly at all, as the golden rays of the chandelier didn't reach that far.
I looked down at my boots and traced one over the flooring to hear the subtle scrape. My butler looked at me, "Sir? Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. Where's O'brien?"
The butler fell silent and I deeply sighed. Is it really that easy to lose a whole, alive, barn owl in this place??
He's lucky I know how to get O'brien quickly.
I loudly whistled before hearing distant flapping of wings. "I swear to big brother, m e, If you hurt my bird at all I will go out of my way to make you look more disgusting, old, and withered than you already do."
The butler panicked and ran away. I actually never bothered to learn his name. Pity. I normally just call him prole, as that was the nickname I picked for him. Sounds derogatory enough.
I raised my arm and O'brien flew onto it, I scratched the owl under the chin. "Did that bastard scare you off?" I asked, with only a 'hoo' as a response. Didn't expect anything else.
I headed up the stairs to tend to my own business, like sleeping, or stoically sitting by the window and monitoring the city with a nice glass of wine. Or in this case, bandaging my knuckles and resting. Which isn't the best thing, but anything that gets me away from the populous is fine in my eyes.
Genuinely, I hate it here, the only reason I still live here is the untapped market and corrupted governance. It's easy to take over if you have a good enough willpower. And the money is nice I suppose.
Finally making it up to my room, O'brien flew into his cage and I looked through the drawers of my night stand for my bandages.
There was a deep brown wooden floor up here, a black and white with red accents persian rug under my bed, and many pieces of wall decor. Mainly paintings though. I always try to keep it within a few colors, having a lot of colors, especially if they're vibrant, has always been extremely overwhelming for me.
Mayhaps I am just weird, but it drives me crazy to have that type of thing.
I grabbed the bandages after finding them and quickly tied them around my hand. I winced as I pulled the bandages tight. Luckily the blood had basically completely dried over and shouldn't be noticeable at all. Hopefully.
I got into my bed and closed my eyes to sleep for the night. It's rather early, 8:00 pm on the dot, but last night I didn't necessarily have the best sleep or anything remotely of the sort. And I've been walking all day due to the butler's pure incompetence. I really should fire him, but I'm too attached. Once I started really pondering why that was, I felt myself slowly drift off to a peaceful sleep. Hours went by, with absolutely nothing happening.
Until, around 4:30 am I abruptly woke up with a cold sweat. I had one of those dreams again. Scrambled words and characters filled my mind, I cupped my hands over my eyes. "Enough. Enough!"
I threw the blankets to the side, swiftly standing up and running over to my desk. I pulled out a notebook and clenched my eyes tightly to remember what I heard and saw. Right.
I hesitantly picked up the quill and dipped it in the ink. After a moment of hovering the quill over the paper and trying to listen to the dripping of the ink to try to overpower the noises, I realized it was fruitless and put the pen to the paper.
"Tvz bqvj jmv ru jdp. Tvz kxlxlixk umxl. Tvz kxlxlixk jmdu adrq umxt ndzpxs. Qv lduuxk mvj lznm tvz azpm umxl vzu. Tvz kxlxlixk, R kxlxlixk, umx pukxxu kdu kxlxlixkp, umx ntdq vqx kxlxlixkp. Dnu qvj ixcvkx ru'p uvv gdux. Umrp sxaxqsp vq tvz umkxx, tvz mdex adppdhx uv umx ukzum, izu rc tvz svq'u crhzkx vzu jmdu avjxk tvz mdex, umxt jrgg nvqukvg tvz. Tvz jrgg mdex qvumrqh. Tvz jrgg xqs za grbx mxk. Umx ntdq vqx jrgg xqs za grbx mxk. Dcuxk umx crhmu, umx pukxxu kdu jrgg dp jxgg. Sxnvsx umrp dqs crqs umx ukzum, sxdk Rqhpvn. Rllxsrduxgt."
Looking down at this...It looks like nothing. At all. Gibberish. But still I feel like it has meaning, in some secret code. The repeating 5x 3 isn't helping me think logically either.
I put my hands on the side of the desk, feeling stumped, and kind of stupid. As I always do when this thing happens. It's just gibberish...

that's it! that's all you get for the first chapter.
i'm still on vacation and i've been working on this at like 2 am for the past two nights. that's why it's not the most literate bahahah.
the next pov will either be from egoist or oriented around him!
it's not gibberish.
and if you couldn't tell, i was kinda inspired by the classes in cyberpunk. ingsoc being the corp, darwin being the street rat, and ego being the nomad.
i'll prolly still work on the next chapter tomorrow and for the next few days. idk.
до свидания!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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