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"Push!" The doctor shouted and Monica tried pushing

"One more time push!"

"Mmmmmhhhmmmmmghhhhh!"Monica pushed with her last strength before slumping on the hospital bed,the next thing she heard was a cry of a baby before she blanks out.


Seven years later

"He is still sleeping"Faith said and Monica nodded giggling

"I thought he said he won't fall asleep"Monica said chuckling

"Let's wake the dude up"Faith said and Monica nodded before singing in a high pitched voice

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday day to you junior! Happy birthday to you!"Monica sang

"Oh mom!"Junior said groaning "you just succeeded in waking me up from my beautiful sleep"he added rolling his eyes, the little man stood up stretching his body

"Hip! Hip hip!"Faith shouted

"Hurray!"Monica shouted and Junior rolled his eyes

"Daniel!"Faith warned "don't roll your eyes at your mom"

"Okay okay... Can I use the bathroom?"the little tyrant asked

"Sure!"Faith said before he walked away, Monica slumped sitting on his bed

"The boy is just too stubborn"Monica said looking tired

"He will come around"Faith said

"When? You started saying that since he was one and now he is already seven years old"Monica said rolling her eyes and Faith chuckled. Being a single mother wasn't easy for Monica but with Faith by her side everything became a little easier

"Drop it! Oh my God Daniel!"Monica shouted at the little toddler, Daniel looked at his mom and chuckled not dropping the breakable plate he is holding "you will get yourself injured with that"as soon as Monica said this, the toddler let the plate go and it broke into pieces Monica's eyes went wide, she haven't even finished cleaning the water the toddler pour in the sitting room

"Oh my God! I'm so going to kill you!"Monica shouted and the toddler broke into laughter before running away, Monica run after him and mistakenly got herself injured with the breakable plate fueling her anger, she narrowed her eyes at him before standing up trying to get the toddler only to fall again, the toddler broke into laughter making Monica furious she finally got to him but Faith carried him up immediately

"Let me deal with him, he is just too stubborn!"Monica said angrily and Faith chuckled

"He will come around"

"When?!"Monica said feeling very exhausted, the baby is really killing her slowly


"He will trust me"Faith said winking at Monica, the bathroom door suddenly opened revealing the caramel skinned boy, the only thing that shows Monica is the one that gave birth to him is his eyes, he had big eyes like Monica but he took the rest of his features from someone Monica is trying to bury in the back of her mind for almost eight years now

"Mama!" five years old junior called

"Hmm"Monica replied without sparing him a look, Monica is busy mopping the sitting room

"Everyone at school says I don't look like you, they say I have only your eyes and maybe I look like my dad, I told them I don't have a daddy, I only have a mama and a nana, they laughed at me telling me no one doesn't have a daddy, is it true mama?"Junior asked and Monica's mopping stick fell from her hand immediately, she had been dreading this moment

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