Cody Carson

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This story is written in Cody's POV.

I was packing my bags for tour,again. My girlfriend, Y/N, was standing in the door way, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I packed my last thing and closed the flap, and zipped it up. I inhealed a sharp breath trying to keep back the tears. Trying to be strong for both Y/N and I.

"Cody, it's okay. I will be just fine." She looked down and i could hear stifle a sob. I got up from the bed and waled towards her, Pulling her into my chest for a tight hug. " I know they say no one is perfect. But you're perfect for me." I grabbed her tear strinken face and brouyght it cloeser to mine. "I love you so much Y/N. Never forget that." I lightly kissed her lips and she broke down.  "I-I don't think I'm stonge enough for this Cody." She cried. I pulled her close to me and kissed her head.

"I want you to know that if you miss me to much I'm just a phone call away. And if I don't answer, call Maxx." I told her, puling her closer to me than before, if even possible.  "Cody, I-I love you too.  I want you to stay. stay forever with me. I know I sound selfish, but I want you, just you Cody. She sobbed into my chest I kissed her head one more time. I heard the bus beep outside and I sighed. "I guess that means you have to go." I kissed her lips roughly, but put as much passion as I could. I pulled away breathless. "I love you Cody."

I slung my bag over mey shoulder and slowly walked out to the bus. Everyone was sitting in the front louge. No one said a word. I sat by the window and looked at Y/N.  She was standing in the doorway with her hands over her mouth, tears falling feely.   I quckly looked away before I started crying myself.  "You okay man?" Maxx asked,getting up and walking to sit next to me. The bus jolted forward.  "Yeah I'm fine." I said as Y/N walked into the house and closing the door slowly. We were just about to get onto the highway when my phone rang. It was Y/N. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Hi, you told me to call you when I start to miss you so much. So that's what I did." Her sweet voice creaked at he end.

"I miss you too babe, but I'll be home before you know it." I said, tears starting to fall.

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