Part one

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This is a possible future for the characters of Dragon's Prize, so there are no spoilers, because even I don't know what will happen by the end of the book.

Enjoy the first part.


“Mommy! Cam stuffed snow down my back!” little Cassie yelled as she burst through the door, stomping straight towards the kitchen and leaving a trail of melting snow behind her. Pup soon followed, running around the five year old, yipping playfully. He was careful though, trying not to topple her over, because he was still taller than she was.

Olivia turned around from cutting the potatoes and crouched down in front of her little angel. Cassie looked just like her father; with black locks of hair peeking out from under her wool hat, almost covering her near pitch-black eyes. The scowl on Cassie’s face was the same one that Kaden had when he was angry.

“Oh, Cassie…” Olivia sighed deeply when she saw the mess behind her daughter; she couldn’t even scold Pup now. She took off Cassie’s hat, trying to smooth down her messy hair, but gave up and tucked the hat back on, hiding all her hair underneath once more.

“You and Cameron both will clean up that mess,” she scolded her daughter, making the little girl pout. The twins were always up to no good, but at least they got along well, most of the time anyways. Kaden and Olivia rarely had to intervene and they were thankful for that. Their children looked out for each other closely.

“But Mommy…it’s not my fault… It’s all Cam’s fault!” Cassie threw her tiny hands up in the air as a sign of frustration. “Unbelievable I tell you! If he had played fairly and didn’t shove snow down my back, then I wouldn’t be upset and I wouldn’t have busted down the door making all that mess! And Pup wouldn’t have followed me in as well because I would’ve remembered to close the door and wipe him off! See? It’s his fault in the end,” she rambled off as she paced back and forth, making an ever bigger mess in the kitchen.

Olivia couldn’t stay angry after that, barely holding back her own laughter at her daughter’s antics.

“I’ll tell you what…” Olivia said, pulling her daughter closer to face her. “You go out there and get even… stuff snow down his back… if you cannot, then try to stuff his face into the snow. You know how to tackle him, Daddy taught you, right?” Cassie nodded eagerly as a few giggles, sounding much like Olivia’s, escaped her.

“Good. After that, I want you both back inside so you can clean up the mess,” at that Cassie pouted again. “It’s both of your faults, you shouldn’t let your temper get the better of you… and you need to warm up. I don’t want either of you catching a cold. You’ve been out long enough and I bet you’re both thoroughly wet.”

Cassie wanted to deny it but she could feel the moisture from the melted snow sliding down her back.

“But Mommy, Daddy’s not back yet and we promised to wait for him.” the little girl pleaded, batting her dark long lashes, but Olivia knew better. She was as immune to that as she was to Cameron’s bright blue eyes, much like her own, when he pleaded to have his way.

“It’s his own fault for being late then. Now off you go! No arguing, I want you back soon so go about your revenge quickly.” Olivia winked, making Cassie jump up and down gleefully clapping her hands. “You still have to clean the mess and yourselves. We’re having guests over for dinner.”

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