Wrong Chat + Protective Partners = Kidnapping

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Mystery Girls ft ?? is online.

??: Hello?

Eirwen: Who is this?

Rosemary: 👀

??: Joan, this isn't funny! Joan, this isn't funny!


Cordelia: Accurate Keithie, love the Spongebob gif

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Cordelia: Accurate Keithie, love the Spongebob gif.

Keithia: ❤❤❤

Noelani: If this person knows Joan, we have new friend!

Angarika: Noel baby no, we aren't sure if this is the man we are suppose to be watching.

Noelani: What? This person knows Joan! They have to be a friend!

??: I'm a 'he/him' as you should know.

Noelani: 😢 Sworry..

Cordelia: Noel! Please don't cry.

Angarika: 😲 My baby is sad. This will not stand.

Rosemary: Never tolerate that type of emotional abuse.

Neolani: Cuddles..?

Angarika: Yes my love, cuddles is coming.

Noelani: ❤❤❤❤

Noelani is offline
Angarika is offline

??: Wha-

Eirwen: Don't ask, we don't stand people who are cruel. Big no no! 🔪

Keithia: Alright stranger, who are you??

??: Thomas Sanders.

Cordelia: Oh! So you are the fella we are suppose to watch over.

Thomas: No.

Eirwen: HoW dArE-

Rosemary: Let me kill him!

Cordelia: Calm down Wreny and Rosie. We just need to give him..❇persuasion❇.

Rosemary: See where this is going. 🙄

Keithia: Let me join in on this! ☺

Cordelia: Meet in my room.

Rosemary is offline
Keithia is offline
Cordelia is offline.

Thomas: Am I in trouble?

Eirwen: You can say that.

Eirwen is offline

Thomas left chat and found Joan's number.

Joan: Sup Tommy.

Thomas: JOAN HELP!

Joan: Not even a hello?

Thomas: Really? 😒

Joan: Oh fine. What is wrong?

Thomas: I might have gotten in the wrong chat and caused some stuff to happen-

Joan: Uh oh. Did you catch any names?

Thomas: Some people Noel, Wreny, and Keithie.

Joan: Dude, you done fucked up.

Thomas: What do you mean?!?!

Joan: Good luck.

Joan is offline

Thomas: Joan???

Thomas: Joan?!?!?!

Thomas: JOAN-

Thomas is offline

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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