Chapter 6

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We burst into loud cheers, waving our wands in the air, but as Harry and Cedric stayed pinned to the floor, Cedric lifeless and Harry sobbing, our cheers died out. Draco let out a soft, "Oh...", and as the screams began, he pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me and disallowing me from seeing what was happening. But somewhere deep in my chest I already knew. Cedric was dead. I began frantically sobbing... perhaps with the shock of it all or just the immense sympathy I felt for his family and Harry too. "He's backed. Voldemort's back." Harry's cries sent continuous shivers down my spine. Draco, hearing this too, took my hand, intertwining his fingers with me and dragging me away. "Willow, I need you to promise me something." Once we were a safe distance away, he had begun begging me to listen. "What? What's wrong?" I said, frantically trying not to panic. He turned away, running his fingers through his hair. "I just- Look, if something happens, I need you to promise me you'll stay away. I want you safe." He was getting desperate now, and although I had so many questions I knew he wanted only one answer. 

So I gave it to him. "I promise, Draco." 


It seemed now though that I was about to break that promise as I walked into a battle with no idea of how it would end. I hadn't seen or heard from Draco since that night: 

"Draco..."  I whispered, catching a very pale tired-looking boy's attention. "Wil- Aria... what are you doing here?" His voice was sort of raspy and his eyes had seemed unusually dim. "I could ask the same." I kept my voice gentle, looking around the strange room; full of hundreds and hundreds of random objects. But one object stood out from the rest. A tall, dark cabinet of some sort. It loomed over us both, almost angry-looking. "Draco, I know something's wrong. Something's happening and I need to know the truth. I'm not giving up on you." He stared at me for a little longer before breaking down into tears. I rushed over hugging him tightly and stroking his hair. "What is it?" I soothed. "I ca- I can't... You'll hate me... and I wouldn't be able to cope with that." He sobbed, clutching onto my robes and hair. "Draco, I could never hate you." He gasped a little, looking into my eyes for a moment, before stepping away and pulling up his left sleeve. I couldn't even gasp. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe. The dark mark slithered around Draco's red, raw forearm. "Are... Are you sure you could never hate me?" He spoke, staring down at his wrist in disgust. His aura had softened as he continued to stare at that awful scar wriggling around, begging to be freed. He looked lifeless. Completely and utterly lifeless. 

I swallowed the tears creeping up my throat and began to creep closer to him. Once I was close enough, I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head into his suit. "It didn't hurt, did it?" I managed to whisper, though emotions squeezed at my throat and lungs. "It stings every now and then, but... no. It's fine. I'm fine." I smacked his shoulder. "Stop lying!" I blubbered. "You're anything but fine!" We both sobbed, hugging each other as tight as we could. "You need to go. They'll be here soon. Don't hate me for what I have to do." Tears were streaming down my face and little droplets were falling from my chin. He leaned forwards kissing my forehead and nose. "Hide in your room. Don't come out until it's safe. Then go home. Get away from here, from me, do you understand?" I nodded, my heart cracking with each promise I made. "I love you, you idiot." I sniveled. He gave me a nod, smiling weakly just as he had done that first night I'd ever spoken to him. "Go." He whined, shooing me away gently but let his hand linger in mine for just a second too long before he finally let me go.

And with that, I left.

My feet pounded against the cobbled floors, synching with the anguished beating of my heart. As I slid around a corner, wand clutched in my hand, a loud BANG sounded not too far away, allowing another groan to reverberate throughout the now weakening walls of the castle. Despite my legs being the weakest they'd ever been, they still carried me to the sight of the crash. Halting, my eyes met familiar silvery orbs and my heart stopped. The rest of the world seemed to disappear. He looked so different, gaunt almost. As my breath was sucked back into my lungs, I found the power in me to sprint towards him. Draco began to do the same, a terrified, shocked look on his face. Our arms flew around each other and the sobs began. "You're alive! You're alive!" I cried, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. I stepped away from him, hitting him as hard as I could. "You GIT! I thought you were DEAD!" I cried, breaking back into floods of tears. 

"Shh..." He cooed, stroking my hair and cupping my face, wiping my salty trails away from my dirt-covered face. "It's okay." He soothed. "I thought I'd lost you." I whimpered. "I'm here now. I'm here." With this, I grabbed his face and kissed him. A kiss that sent electric shocks throughout every nerve in my body. I wished that it could last forever. But we both knew it wouldn't. Another rumble, louder this time, much much louder, emitted from outside. "Draco." I wailed. "I don't wanna go. I'm so scared..." He nodded, beginning to cry too. "I know, I know... but I'm gonna protect you, okay? Nothing's gonna happen to you." I nodded my head vigorously, taking his hand in mine. "Don't worry. I've got you now, and I'm not letting you go."

We stumbled into the cold daylight outside, seeing the ruins of the school around us. We shuffled to the front, getting a better view of the army of death eaters accumulated at the exit to the castle. "Harry Potter... is dead!" Voldemort cried with a sickening enthusiasm. Ginny screamed at this and I felt my heart go out to her, knowing it would be exactly how I would feel if Draco died. "Stupid girl." Voldemort continued. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth... you put your faith... in me." A rotten, toothy grin stretched across his inhuman features. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" He cheered, gleefully, to his cowardly followers behind him. They all cackled at their victory. "And now is the time to declare yourself... Come forward and join us!" The crowd of students and teachers stayed silent. "Or die." Voldemort added, a wicked smile appeared with these words, but to my relief, no one budged. 

That was until I heard a hiss from the opposite side. "Draco!" His father called eagerly, holding out his hand. I glanced at him and saw him gulp glancing back towards me but stopped when a woman's voice called instead. "Come..." His mother nodded. I could see the conflict in is eyes. Feel the panic setting in. But then... his hand dropped from mine and his feet carried him away from me. "Draco, no!" I called, a crack of desperation in my throat. "Don't do this. He'll kill you. He won't need your family anymore." I spoke, mustering up all the courage I could scrabble together. "Don't listen to her. She lies." Voldemort hissed, his snake-like eyes glaring at me. Draco's eyes stayed on me, not listening to the poison coming from his mouth. "Draco, please. You can't leave me. You promised. You promised to protect me." I begged, tears once again trickling down my filthy face. "Please..." I sobbed, my heart tearing into pieces with every second he didn't answer. "Please, I love you..." I whispered, causing a few gasps in the crowd. 

Draco's head turned towards the Dark Lord and said, "I'm staying." Voldemort's face twitched with anger as people began to smile, finding a new sense of hope, perhaps. "Clearly, I did not make myself clear enough when I said 'Or die'. I assure you I meant it. But I'll give you an example." He snarled, and my face dropped, my stomach churned as the words, "Avada Kedavra!" rang in my ears. 

It all happened so fast, but it seemed to be in slow motion at the same time. A green flash and that curse hurtling towards Draco. His mother screamed. Draco stayed glued to the spot, a look of pure terror plastered on his face as he gripped my hand tighter. I did the only thing that seemed sensical. 

I jumped in front of him.

 My arms wrapping around his neck for the last time. "Goodbye, Darling." I muttered into his ear before a cold, sharp pain pierced my spine. 

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