i) after

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author- imaginator1D

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author- imaginator1D

short (not really short hehe) review- this book is the reason why i downloaded wattpad in the first place. this was the first book that i read on wattpad and this was the kind of book that i was so emotionally invested in that when i talked to my friends after reading it, i felt like i was in this bubble by myself, like i was so deeply inside my mind that i was actually out of touch with reality. even though, this book has a lot of smut, it also has major plot twists, trust me you won't be expecting half of the things the characters do, not only is this book written exceptionally well but also it has one of the best character background and development ever. it also touches upon many beautiful aspects of life and the problems that teens usually face (i've written more about this in my detailed review below)all in all, you should really give this whole series a try if you haven't already read it :)

my more detailed rambling about after- so like many other people, i had watched the movie before reading the book and at that time i didn't even know that it was actually based on a book, but when i was discussing the movie with one of my friends, she told me about the book, which lead me to download wattpad and start reading it. i began reading this book in quarantine and i remember being so so involved and invested in it, that i had finished the entire series in 3 days and i'm not even kidding, all i did was wake up and read this book. this book made me realise so many new things and made me feel a few emotions that i've never felt before. i was glued to reading this books and yes, i did lose some sleep over it but it was MORE than worth it. after has EVERYTHING, from making me laugh a lot to cry for hours, this book is a total roller coaster (cliché but okay), and the reason why i like it so much is because it's so realistic. many rom coms are just about having a 'sunshine' relationship, but this one is very realistic because it shows the toxicity in relationships. and OH MY GOD THE NUMBER OF TWISTS AND TURNS IS BEYOND ME. another aspect that i love about this book is the fact that it shows that you can have your life perfectly planned out but everything does not happen according to it and that's okay. it also touches upon the sensitive subjects of not being good enough, not being able to move on from your past, self loathing/hating yourself because of the things you've done in your past. don't even get me started on the lines and quotes in this book-, i think this book also implies that one should trust the process and also if it's meant to happen, it will. so yeah, it truly is an impeccable series :)

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