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[1 month before the awardshow]

So hi let me introduce my self I'm Simone and me and my best friend Liv turned 18 and decided we are moving from Holland to America.

Liv there is going to be an award show in 1 month, Says Simone
Liv says '' so we probably can't even get in anymore..''
Well what if we just sneak in and act like we're a celebrity? Asks Simone
Liv answer with '' Hmm sorry but I don't wanna get caught we don't even look like celebrity's''.
That's true but im gonna try anyways, I just gonna buy an expensive glamorous dress.

[The day of the awardshow]

Okay I can do this I can do this just walk out this Uber like you own this place, whispers Simone to herself.
I just wave politely to the papparazi and have a big smile to the bodyguard.
*Posts in snapchat private story 'guess who got in?!' *
Okay so where am I going now lol
I'm just gonna follow the carpet and get a drink for myself

*10 minutes later she sees Harry styles standing right in front of her.*

O God o God he's right there I'm gonna faint.
oh no he's looking at me, should I walk near him?
And than Harry and I bumped to each other
Harry says " Hi I'm Harry who are you I haven't seen you before "
O gosh hi I'm Simone I love your music harry you have such a kind soul.
Harry was kinda shocked and said
O wow you already know me how did you get in are you nominated for an award?
Uhm no I sneaked in because I wanted to meet you so bad.
Harry *laughs* wait what how did you do that haha
I just acted like a celebrity and waved to the paparazzi.
Well do you want to sit next to me at the awardshow? Asks Harry.
Yess of course! Said Simone.

Harry: You look beautiful in that dress
Simone answers with Awhh thank you so much.
You seem like an genuinely awesome person I really want to know you actually, said Harry to Simone.
That's so sweet well hi I'm Simone I've moved recently from Holland to America with my best friend Liv and I'm 18 years old and a big fan of you 🥺😂
Wow you're from Holland that's so cool do you maybe have Instagram so I can follow you? Asks Harry
Yes I have *gives instagram* here it is
If I get the award would you like to walk with me on stage? Asks Harry
I loved too *Simone her heart melts and holds Harry's hand*

Than the presentor starts speaking

Presentor announced the nominations

The nominees are Harry Styles, Shawn mendes, Justin Bieber, Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande.

And now the winner of the best song of 2020 is....


Simone hugs harry so happy and says CONGRATS I KNEW YOU WOULD WIN!
*Harry smiles and graps her hand and walk hand in hand together to the stage*
Harry gives his speech
Thank you so much for this I wanted to say thanks to my fans especially this one next to me she's a wonderful woman and thank you to everyone that made this happen for me.

Than me and Harry walks off stage and Harry gave me an hug and a kiss on mine lips.
I couldn't stop smiling.
Than a woman came up to me and said *Thank you so much for wearing sneakers under a dress some people need to normalize it*
O yeah btw I was wearing a red dress with white sneakers cause I hate heels.
Then I said No problem I hate heels and people need to know that it's normal to wear sneakers under a dress.
The woman also asked me what mine instagram is because she loved mine vibe, so I gave it.
After the talk with the woman me and Harry went to the bathroom, and Harry hears the presentator asks for Harry styles.
Harry went back but he asked me if he could say I sneaked in if they gonna ask about who I am and I said yes because I didn't really care anymore.
Then the presentator asked who that girl was because everyone wanted to know.
Harry said that's Simone she actually sneaked in but I love her already she is a lovely woman.
The audience was kinda shocked and shouted how did she get in.
So I went back and explained it.
So the presentator asked how did I get in and here's what I did:
I did an example walking out the car take of my sunglasses and wave to the paparazzi and smile to the bodyguards.
The presentator had to laugh and the audience weren't mad they we're actually kinda proud of me.
They also wanted to know mine instagram so I gave it.

This was one part of based of my dream and you have to forget covid cause in mine world covid is gone.
And I know it's messy but it's my first time writing in a long time and it's based on a dream of mine. And some things just happends suddenly that make no sense.

O and I'm not English and don't know the grammar rules so sorry😔🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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