first encounters

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"shit" you thought first day at the dorms and your late how could you be late?! you where sprinting to the stairs so desperate to get to the main school building that you almost went flying. it took what felt like forever to get to your class, you slowly opened the door trying not to be noticed which was impossible because mineta almost immediately saw you and shouted across the class "hey y/n looking hot!" he got a hit on the head from denki for that.
of course you went bright red everyone was looking at you. you hated it.
"y/n your late is everything ok?" all might asked you somehow had managed to forget about the 7ft pro hero at the front of the class "oh i'm really sorry i guess i overslept" you muttered "no problem go take a seat we were just getting started" all might beamed jeez his teeth are white.

class lasted what felt like forever and you didn't understand any of it just like most of the written work you did you were always better at fighting, your siblings were in the support course and you had managed to scrape your way into class 1-a the hero course still you had to admit it was probably because of your quirks potential and how strong it was. the bell finally rang signalling it was break.

you got up and grabbed your stuff and shoved it maybe a bit to aggressively into your bag making the boys give you odd looks "oi y/n that bag ever do anything wrong to you?" denki joked you gave him a fake smile back and gave him an elbow in the side. you finished putting your stuff in your bag and quickly headed out you class to go meet your friends (momo, mina, uraka, jirou and tsu) while trying to find momo in the crowd you accidentally stepped on someone's foot, you muttered a quick apology and didn't pay much attention to it until you noticed who's foot it was. bakugou. i'm dead you though "WHAT THE HELL Y/N" he yelled at you "i'm sorry i didn't know it was you bakugou calm down" you growled "YOU KNEW DAMN WELL IT WAS ME EXTRA" he yelled. again. he went to push you but you were already gone looking for momo again.

you finally found her and told her what had just happened she looked worried but not surprised "sure sounds like him y/n" she grinned "what, why are you smiling?" you asked "it's kinda obvious y/n" mina laughed "we heard kiri and bakugou talking about you and we think bakugou might like you a little." she finished "did you just hear what i told you or are you deaf." you sighed "he doesn't like me that's stupid mina" all the girls looked at you looked at each other then all burst out laughing "okokokok if you think that's true y/n we should all try get with bakugou and he rejects us he likes y/n simple as that" jirou proposed "fine only if you guys are comfortable doing that though" you stated, all of them shook their heads and gave you a big grin.

with that the bell rang again and you all had to get changed for quirk training, you all decided momo would go first and ask bakugou to help her train, he normally said no to anyone who asked so this would prove if they where right or not, the plan was in place she just had to be confident and stick to the plan.

hey guys this is only the first chapter idk if ill write more this is literally my first story so be kind any suggestions will be appreciated lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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