A World Without You

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Foxy stared at the gray tiled floor beneath him,his hand holding his head, his ears flat back....
Drops of black tears fall to the floor as he shivers and whimpers....
"F...freddy..." he says to himself,gripping the fur on his head as more tears run down his face

Mathew sighs, and sits next to the grieving fox,staying quiet...
He watched as foxy cried...and cried....his whimpers turned to crys of pain and loss...
He cant even imagine what he was likely going through.....
But he stayed by his side, hoping it would help foxy....even if just a bit

"W-why....why!.....w-why us" foxy cried, voice full of loss and pain.......
Memories of his friends and his lover.....are just that now....memories....
"I-i just wanted u-us to be happy..."he crys, and Mathew could only listen.....
"A-all of us...w-we.....just....."
Mathew rached over and pulled him into a hug,stroking his back,letting the fox cry onto him....
Letting him grieve........

His freinds wait outside....listening...looking at each other sympathetic...

It took a long...long time for the crying to stop...foxy was still shiving and whimpering though.....
Mather looks down at him
"....you can stay here...if you like....until your ready" he says softly,feeling sorry for foxy..if this where his home...then he has every right to stay.....and try move on....


It took a couple days foxy foxy to even start eating again,Mathew and Jared would check in on him after every show,to make sure he was okay
He kept to the parts and services room for almost three weeks....just not ready to face reality yet.....
But one day the door opened and he stepped out,his face still stained with his black tears,and the light showing his discoloured and dirty fur,his old cuts and wounds and scars visible too to the other animatronics


Mather ran over
"Foxy?you okay?you need some water or food or something?" He asked,but foxy shook his head,his arms hugging himself and head hanging a bit....he looked tired....really tired
Mathew sighs and puts a hand on his shoulder
"Maybe a warm shower can help you" he says to foxy
He doesn't respond,but doesn't resist when he lead him to the private area,where some showers where.

(Sorry to cut this here....i need sleep bad)

Foxy x freddy part 2 (rewritten again for the second time)Where stories live. Discover now