What is love?

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Aries: It's uh, when people- i dunno? People like each other enough that it reaches a new level of liking called LoVe-?

Taurus: A neurochemical con job that bonuses as an emotional minefield-

Gemini: It's shit where i get to fuck someone that just so happens to be a decent person that i trust and cherish- basically-

Cancer: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 there ya go, let the Bible do the talking for you-


Virgo: Friendship set on fire-

Libra: True love manifests in supporting one another's interersts, growing together and being considerate with one another's feelings. RoIgHt-?

Scorpio: It's charity, imagination, kindness, forgiveness, loyalty, generosity and patience. So what if i said a bunch of random positive words hoping it would make sense? I don't know crap about love-

Sagittarius: A dEEP, unconditional feeling- gEddIt? dEEp-? No? Okay-

Capricorn: Falling in love can be as addictive as nicotine, so don't ask me. I ain't no DrUg AdDiCt-

Aquarius: Your nerve cells do shit. That is why they work better in the 1st year of a loving relationship- YeS, i did need to say that fact-

Pisces: An intense, life-changing experience that may or may not leave you shattered into a million pieces if it goes wrong. dUh-

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