Head CT

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The car pulled up to the back doors of the hospital. It looked small and run down, definitely not the place Derek ever wanted his wife to be. Choked up he looked at the cop.

"We need to get her out of this shit hole and back to Grey Sloan right now." he demanded.

"Mr.Shepered please just come with us." the cop pleaded.


"Dr.Shepherd please come with us" the cop replied.

As they walked in Derek hated this place more and more. He was sent up to see her in the ICU.

As he walked in the elevator images of his wife popped through his head. All he saw was her kissing him in the elevator even though she said before she did not want him. He saw himself looking forward to riding the elevator day when he couldn't be with her, just to see her. Even the awkward moments. The sad moments. The moment she agreed to marry him. It all hit him like a ton of bricks. Suddenly he couldn't even stand up.

"He walked on the floor to be greeted by two male attending  and one female resident.

"Hello Dr.Shepherd." the general attending quietly said looking at the floor. "Your wife, she had a bad accident. She was hit by a semi head on."

"Cut the pity shit I know how this works. Is my wife alive." Derek barked.

"Dr.Shepherd she's brains dead." The neuro attending answered. "At first we.."

"Give me the damn chart right now." Derek bellowed. "Now."

Derek ripped the chart out of the neuro attendings hand. He scanned it with every detail. He saw a plethora of mistakes. Suddenly Derek's blood boiled. "Why in the hell did she not get a god damn head C.T"

"Well at first we thought..."


"Dr.Shepherd, you are one of us. You know mistakes happen and-."

"BURHOLES. She needed burholes." Derek choked out with tears filling his eyes.

"Dr.Shepherd we are so very sorry."

"Well sorry doesn't bring my wife back now does it."

He stormed off and entered her room. His insides felt like they were melting. Seeing her. He knew better then anyone that with her condition it was over. He fell apart on the side of her bed and grabbed her hand.

"Mer." he cried. What if he worried earlier. What if he made calls earlier. He could have been there to see the damage and get her a head CT. The only reason she was out was because Derek cheated. He felt so broken as he feel apart at her bedside. This was the love of his life. He killed her.

Amelia walked on the floor with Mer and Derek's kids Zola and Bailey. Seeing his children choked up Derek. How was he gonna care for them alone. How could they be without their own mother just how. Zola tan to Derek.

"Hi princess." Derek said as she ran in his arms. He picked up the 5 year old and kissed her on the cheek. Amelia walked over with Bailey and just looked at her  brother. He was a mess,

She brought the kids over to the toy area as the General attending surgeon approached Derek with options.

"Dr.Shepherd we respect you and are all awed by your work. You are a true legend and we are so very-"

"Yeah ok I get it just give me the damn papers." Derek barked.

"But Dr.Shepherd." The attending pleaded.

"She was gonna be great you know." Derek bellowed. "She was gonna change the face of medicine. She was gonna be a force of nature. She could've helped millions. She was going to be something. But YOU took that away from her. You took away a child's mother. You took away the love of my life. She has survived so much. She deserved her happy ending but she doesn't get that now. Millions of lives were gonna be saved by her. She was extraordinary. Yes that is al over now. That is on you."

The attending looked in shock blank of what to say. He handed over the clipboard and walked away.

As he picked up the pen he thought to himself. "It's also on me."  Tears fell off his face. He couldn't believe it. What had he done.

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