The meeting

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Wendolyn was sitting under the shade of a tree reading book, she heard a shrill scream. She looked toward her house and saw her family running around in panic but didn't know why. Then she saw it, a wolf! Throwing the book off her lap she ran. She was frantically trying to think of a solution but nothing was coming to her! She felt heat pour into her face as she realized that the wolf attack was her fault. She saw Lunna, her closest friend who was supposedly dead. She stopped dead in her tracks as she remembered what she had done, or rather not done. They were running through the woods. Wendolyn stumbled and fell. She saw a wolf jump in front of her; it hadn't seen her. Good. But she saw Luna paralysed in fear looking to her for help her heart sank. She knew either she would die or luna would. So she ran. Slowly she approached Lunna quietly so as not to alert her. She was different now she had wolf ears, a tail and a crescent moon shaped marking. As Wendolyn stood Lunna whipped around. Wendolyn was shocked to see what her friend had turned into. She looked the same but she was different. Her face particularly, it was as expressionless as a stone her eyes were the worst out of her cold gaze they were frozen over with hatred when Lunna saw Wendolyn's face her eyes grew red with furry. Wendolyn knew what she had to do. She stepped forward and hugged her best friend and said " I'm so sorry." At this point she was crying. Luna replied crying now too " Why did you leave me behind? I thought we were friends. I mean i would have helped you even if it meant I would die" Lunna pushed Wendolyn away and dried her tears. "I'm so sorry. I know nothing I can say will change what I've done but I hope with all of my heart that you can find it in yours to forgive me." Wendolyn fell to the ground. Luna kneeled down and tipped her chin up And said " Hold those that you love close. . . And those you hate closer!!!" Lunna pulled a dagger out of her pocket and sliced Wendolyn in between her neck and shoulder.

As Wendolyn screamed she had flashbacks. Her mother had screamed at her for burning her pie the first time Wendolyn had baked. Her father had beat her for being sick. He'd said she should have been more careful where she went and what she touched. Although she had gotten the flu from her siblings.

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