good enough

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When my mom found out about my preference for girls rather then boys, the first thing she said was

"it's not worth it, the sex isn't even that good"

and it took everything for me not to respond, IT'S NOT ABOUT SEX!!

Because when I think of loving a girl the first thing I think is it's about the moonlight walks in the back garden,

when you smell the roses and violets and other various flowers floating on the warm summer breeze,
and silk dresses dragging behind you as you walk with her down the torch lit, cobblestone path
to the lake where you both lay on the side of a small hill in soft grass,

and watch the moonlight bounce across water and reflect in her eyes as she looks at the moon and talks about the stars and her voice is filled with passion as you unconsciously bring your hand up to drag the tips of your fingers down her arm,

it about the thrill,
the electric spark of joy that dances up your spine as she laughs and lays with you, and your arms are around her and her head on your chest,
and you can smell her hair and both of you lay there together and wonder how you got so lucky to have each other, and be so in love, that you can risk freedoms to have a walk in the moonlight,

that's what it's about. To me at least

Not sex- it's for romance, freedom, and something so deeply humane- that thousands of people talk about how much they look and long for it connection.

And so when my mother assumed it was for sex I silently scoff, how could love like that ever be mistaken for skin deep?

You can see in the way they look at each other
when ones just doing there thing, the way there fingers lock together when they think no one's looking, or their hand brush up against the others, you can see in the way they stare in each other's eyes,
that they would risk it all for one last kiss in the dark,

and I pity the people that will never feel like that, because they settled for good enough and never reached farther.

And it pains me to know someone would scorn love and trust so deep

simply because it two girls or two boys or just people who stray from what they consider normal

So to the people reading this love as much as you want and never stop because it makes others uncomfortable,

I'm sure it all been said before but love is like a tree, it transcend time and if someone gives you poison instead of water, push your roots in deeper and find the water that's there, because it always is even if you can't see it,

Note! This was for the lesbians, pan and bi people like my self :) but if you related to it at all its for you to💜💜 hope you enjoy my midnight thoughts and stick around for more🙃

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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