Chapter 2:Nightmares

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Author's Note:Im just in bed, late at night, writing this chapter as I make all up as I go.The series of Mystery Skulls animated and its characters are owned by Mystery Ben and his team.

Darkness....darkness was all that Arthur could see in front of him.All of a sudden, he was in the haunted cave.A cold sweat ran down his forehead as he stood there, legs shaking uncontrollably.

Suddenly an unseen force started to push him towards the left, where it all happened.In front of him was Lewis, looking over the edge of a cliff, sharp stalagtites visible down below.Arthur wanted to scream, wanted to warn his friend but nothing came out.

Then, Lewis looked back at him."Hey, you alright there Arthur?"Lewis asked, confused at his friend's horrified expression.Arthur just stood there and watched, as his left arm started to turn green.Horrified,Lewis took a step back."Arthur?!, what's  wrong with you!"

Arthur's left side had been completely taken over and the side of his face twisted into a malicious grin,the ghost now in control.It then lunged toward Lewis and pushed him over the cliff.His scream echoed as he fell into the spikes,impaling him as he landed.Seconds later,the ghost could feel something behind it and when it turned to take a look,it saw a giant creature with six tails.
Arthur then felt as its teeth sank into his left arm,ripping it right of his torso.
Arthur screamed, throwing the bed sheets off of him as he stood up from his bed.He clutched his metallic arm,taking deep breaths while doing so.He'd been having nightmares ever since him, Vivi, and Mystery went inside that mansion.They all would end the same, with Arthur getting his arm ripped off.

He felt something brush against his legs, when he looked down he saw a worried Mystery, whining slightly and looking up at him.Arthur relaxed a bit, crouching down to pet Mystery."Im alright boy,just had a nightmare is all."Mystery just gave a small bark and licked Arthur's hand.

Arthur stood up and picked up a shirt that had fallen on the floor.After putting it on, he checked the time.The clock read 2:45 pm.All Arthur could do when he got home was hide under his bed covers and stay there for hours.He cant even remember the last time he took a shower.Sniffing his armpit made it clear that he needed one.

Arthur made his way to his dresser and began to pull out clean pairs of clothes.Gathering it all in his arms, he looked back down at Mystery."Im just going to take a shower really quick, okay bud?"Mystery gave him a small nod and he went towards the bathroom.

Turning the water on, he took all of his clothes off,removed his metal arm, and stepped inside.He started to replay the events that took place inside the mansion.All three of them stepping inside, being greeted by these singing pink ghosts.From there,things started to escalate.Towards the end when Vivi stepped in front of him, protecting him from the vengeful spirit that was charging towards him.

He ran a hand through his wet hair, putting two and two together.He soon realized that the spirit from the mansion was Lewis, trying to take revenge for what happened to him.Arthur didn't blame him, after all he allowed for the ghost to posses him.He had been jealous of Lewis ever since him and Vivi started dating.Feeling left out everytime the group would go ghost hunting together.Arthur would never say anything about it,as he didn't want to be seen as a bother.

A few minutes later, he came out of the shower and put on some clean clothes.Mystery waited patiently as Arthur came out the bathroom, all fresh and clean.He threw his dirty clothes in the laundry and headed for the living room.Arthur grabbed his phone from the couch, checking his notifications as he sat down.

He had 23 unread messages from Vivi and 2 from his uncle Lance.He sighed, opening his messages app to see what Vivi had texted him.It was mostly a series of "Are you okay?", "Is something wrong?", "Why are you not answering me?", ext.He then checked the 2 messages from Lance."Hey kid,girlie just texted me, saying that you weren't answering her texts and wanted me to ask if you were okay."Arthur then looked at the last message, sent a few hours after the last one."Arthur,you're starti'n to make me worried.Do you need me to come over?"

Mystery then joined him on the couch,resting his head on his lap."Man.....what am I supposed to do?"Arthur leaned his head back, rubbing his temples.He felt Mystery jump off the couch and heard his paws padding towards the front door.Turning his head towards him, he saw Mystery,looking back and forth between him and the door expectantly.

Turning his head towards him, he saw Mystery,looking back and forth between him and the door expectantly

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".............No."Mystery growled at him and barked."No Mystery, im not going out.Lewis is out there, trying to kill me and sooner or later,he's going to find me and get his revenge!"Mystery was about to bark at him again until.........

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