Part one (Edited)

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Ellie pov

I was running in this stores away from some clickers with Dina by my side on a lookout trail and God it is so tiring, running while hiding. To keep my feet as quiet as possible so they wouldn't hear me. I was waiting for the right time to attack the clicker from behind. I looked at Dina giving her the signal to attack. Walking behind the clicker in front of me, putting it in a chokehold and stabbing it's head killing it. Dina did the same, which would be leaving us with about six more. I knew this was gonna take time so I grabbed a glass bottle and throwing it to gather the clickers and then throwing a Molotov cocktail in the center. Setting the clickers on fire. Dina looked at me smiling, standing up after they died. When she stood up a girl with H/L H/C hair jumped onto her. Turning her self around Dina and ending up behind her holding a knife to her neck.  "DROP YOUR WEAPONS OR I'LL STAB HER!" The girl demanding pressing the knife into Dina neck. I noticed the girl looked not well fed meaning she could be easily taken out if I can get Dina away. "DROP THEM!" she yelled again making me get out of train of thought of taking her out. I move making her tense. "Don't do anything you'll regret." she spits out. I realized she wasn't joking at this point. Dina face was scared while she struggled under girl arm. I slowly start taking off my backpack, I don't want Dina getting hurt in the cross fire if I shoot at the girl. The girl observed my actions as I finally drop my bag onto the ground. She tenses more as I reach for my gun, pressing the knife onto Dina skin barely pricking it, drawing some blood. 'Jesse gonna kill me.' I thought. I put my hand on it "I'm going to be setting it on the ground." I said as I stared as her. She glared at me thinking for a moment before nodding at me. My hand feeling my cold revolver as I haven't used it yet, meaning it still has all its rounds in it. She spoke up giving me no time to think "drop it now." She hissed out, making me take the revolver out it's holder and placing it on the ground.  Kicking my stuff away from me. "Will you let her go now?" I asked as Dina this whole time has been struggling against her "Not yet, I don't know if you are still a threat." She said as she keeps Dina in her arms with the knife still firmly on her neck. "Who are you guys, and what are you doing here?" She demanded an answer 

Y/n pov

I have to make sure they aren't with those crazy people that have been hunting me. watching the girl in front of me hesitate before answering me "I'm Ellie, the girl you have in your arms is Dina." she stated making a movement to the women who gave up with struggling against me. "We swear we are only here sent out to clear this place out, so it's safe for our town." she continued "ELLIE!!" Dina shouted out as to tell her not to give out that much information. I relaxed my body for a moment. moving slowly, pushing the Dina girl to Ellie, moving back so there's a lot of space in between us. Watching Ellie quickly moving to grab Dina checking her face, and neck making sure that she wasn't hurt to badly. "Y'all best get out of here quickly, there's a group that took this place as a playground." As soon as I said that a gun shots were echoed through the store, jumping from the sound I duck down behind some shelves. "We believe the last one is in here" hearing a man yell in the store 'shit..' tensing my body looking at the two women putting my finger to my mouth to tell them to be quiet. my eyes glancing up to look how many are there are. ducking back down putting up four fingers to warn them that's how many are in the shop. I stare at Ellie picking her stuff back up, as she didn't kick it that far. As I move wobbly away from the killers, noticing my aching body from my encounter with these killers before. I hear light boot prints hit the floor behind me. Turning my head to see Ellie and Dina following me away from the danger. Facing the front again, I continued my way to get out of this horrible place. Finally making it out I glace behind me once again seeing Ellie and Dina still there. We all glare at each other for a few minutes, we knew we weren't completely out yet to shout or yell. I break the staring contest first, moving away from them heading back to my camp were I'll be safe from others. I wobble myself towards the path holding onto my side. leaving them behind I finally got out of their sight. 


Seeing the sun setting I knew it had been a few hours since I left the store behind, 'I should be close to my camp.' I was in deep thought while walking down the path then it stopped when I heard a twig snap from the side of the forest line. I continued walking grabbing my knife from my side hiding it in my sleeve. I knew this would make my reaction slower but at least whoever didn't know I had it in my hand already. as I see camp in front of my view, the leaf's and twigs breaking along the forest line. I start sprinting towards my camp hearing whoever was following me on my heels. Being tackled to the ground my face eating dirt. Moving my body building a form that wouldn't be broken so easily, I move my left foot in front of me as I pushed back on the person breaking their hands around my waisted turning my body around towards the person who just attacked me out of no where and pulling my knife out of my sleeve only to be met with pale green eyes. "Why are you following me?!" I screamed takin a back from this girl spunk to jump someone. Moving my feet in a fighting stance. "Why did you attack us earlier?!" She yelled back. I think on my responses, I didn't know if I could still trust her after all she did just tackle me. "I thought you guys were with those crazy ass people." I mumbled not sorry for my actions, they would understand if they've ever been put in my situation. She seemed in thought while she was in thought I turned my back and headed to my camp that was now practically in front of me. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I heard that Ellie girl yell I simply put my hand up telling her to come on. I heard her boots behind me, as we made it to my camp. I looked around making sure everything still in place. My eyes land on the two sleeping bags  right next to each other. Feeling those thoughts come back up. I sit down on a log with my stuff behind me finally looking back at Ellie. "Welcome to my camp." I state doing little jazz hands with no emotions on my face.

Author note


1257 words 

I will continue with editing this book for a few days before I start to update update.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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