Chap 5: Earth

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Everything that we see is found in this vast Universe. It is the biggest thing there is; then comes the galaxies and the small star-planetary systems. And one of them is The solar system. It has one Giant star and about eight planets revolving around it in perfect harmony and order, manifesting the natural order and beauty. It also has asteroid rings and some meteors. From all of these wonderful heavenly bodies, only two worlds are unique---the first one is Earth.

"Wow! I did not expect it to be this beautiful!" marveled Alex as he looked at the eye malting view of Earth. He called the others to see it while standing in front of the wide window. The earth was a blue azure, unlike Kepler, which is brown primarily because of its 70% land and 30% water composition. The exact opposite of Earth's composition.

Sandra reached the glass and looked deeply into the Earth. "Boy, when that guy from the message said the view was tremendous, I thought it was just classic stuff, but now I am as marveled as he was.---Look, This planet has some floating white things too. It's all over the planet's atmosphere." She turned back, gaping at Elijah, and pointed to the white floating mists.

However, Nora jumped in to explain, "Oh, Dr. Sandra, according to the Info I gathered from the telecommunication device called Satellite which belongs to a company called NASA, the white floating mists are called Clouds."

"Clouds! That sounds nice." Sandra commented, gazing through the vast wide window.

"Does anyone feel it too, or I am the only one feeling dizzy---" Alex suddenly collapsed on the floor. He felt like his whole body splintered, and his bone crackled. He tried to stand up straight, but he couldn't.

Sandra panicked when she heard him falling and shouted

"Alex?! are you okay?" Alex, with his tired frail voice, responded.

"Ya, I am fine." He smirked while trying to get up; however, he fell back again.

"Hey, let me help you there, man," said Shaw trying to pick Alex from the grounds.

"Thanks, Man"

"It's nothing, mate" Shaw helped Alex get on his feet and held him up. They started their way to leave the observatory section.

"Sir, this is some of the backlashes from the hibernation. You all will feel the same thing for about the next two to three hours. We would be entering earth at night, so you all should rest until then." Nora notified the group. They nodded to each other and started leaving.

Elijah yawned. "Nora is right. I am feeling a lot tired." and with that, he began to walk out of the room, and Sandra followed him through the door. However, the moment Shaw stepped through the wide doors leading to the corridors, he noticed that Elijah and Sandra are still tramping back to their rooms together. "Tshi'' Shaw bit his teeth. Alex, on the other hand, is still exhausted. As he is resting on his friend's shoulders, He couldn't help but notice Shaw getting crazy over someone's relationship.

"What is wrong, man?" Alex still fuzzy thought to himself, 'Is he serious? What is he mad about? Oh wait, yes---she is his sister--- But that doesn't make sense though; he should be happy for her. Or it could be that he doesn't like Elijah?' Shaw chuckled and lied

"What?--- Nothing is wrong." He gave a fake smile and held Alex tighter so he wouldn't fall again.

"Hey, brother." Sandra turned around and waved at her brother. She was smiling, and she was enjoying her time.

"Hey, sis." Shaw waved back, and as she turned around to keep on striding with Elijah, Shaw contemplated, 'is she smiling?---In his place, the situation we are in is no enjoyment, yet she is Genuinely happy. Please tell me it is not because of that brat.' he bit his lips again. "ugh--- I knew it." He was loathing that relationship even more as he was thinking about it. He doesn't want her to fall for that barbarian. However, he does not want her to lose that joy. 'I guess I will wait until we reach the planet and settle for a little while. Then I am stopping this thing--- I have to do this as her big brother.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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