Chapter 11 - Parents' Evening

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The weekend rolled around quicker than I hoped and it was soon parents' evening. I was currently sat on the wall at the front of the school, watching all the parents cars drive in. My mother didn't have a car, so any taxi that drove past made my heart leap into my throat. I was still holding that little bit of hope that she wouldn't come.

Over the course of the week, I spent more and more time with Phoenix and with his friends. I noticed that Maiah and Tyson were spending a lot of time together as well and I couldn't help but notice the anger in Tyson's eyes whenever Phoenix was around. At some point we all decided that Phoenix and his friends would join us sometimes for training. It didn't go down well with Tyson and the guys but I knew Phoenix and his friends were nicer than what their reputation said.

Detention was still fun, every evening going to the woods to play a different games, like capture the flag. It all depended on how many people were in detention with us. I thought detention was meant to be a punishment but we got to train even more with our abilities without many other students around so it was a win, win situation for me. Cordelia never went back to detention. She also avoided me in our water abilities class and whenever I saw her in the corridor, she'd turn around and walk the other way. I wasn't complaining. No more drama for me. She also left Phoenix alone as well and no longer hassled him in the hallways or their maths class. Phoenix was in the top set for maths, it was his thing apparently. Fancy having maths as your thing. I shuddered at the thought.

I was still having the nightmares about Mars' eyes and the manic laughing. I'd wake up with a start but I didn't find it as scary once I told Phoenix about them. It was almost comforting to know he experienced it with me. I wanted to go back down that corridor, know what was down there for it to be restricted but I never found the right time. Between school, combat twice a week and training with Mrs. Darya twice a week, I didn't have much free time on my hands. And the free time that I did have, I usually spent training with Maiah and the guys.

The weather today was sunny but the breeze was ice cold. I was sat in jeans and a hoodie with the zip undone and the sleeves pushed up, enjoying the cool air. I was swinging my legs back and forth whilst sat on the wall, just waiting for what this day was going to bring. If my mother did come, how was she going to take all... This?

"Hey beautiful." I turned to look at Phoenix as he jumped on the wall next to me, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey, your parents here yet?"

"Nahh, my dad's on his way with Camden's parents, he'll be about another hour or so. You waiting for yours?" I didn't want to ask where his mum was and why she wasn't coming so I just answered his questions.

"My mum's been invited. Whether or not she actually shows up is a different matter." There was a pause in the conversation as I looked back out onto the horizon, seeing a car driving towards the school.

"Right, Maiah mentioned you got all quiet when we got the letter about parents evening, you want to talk about it?" He asked, turning to look at me more. I sighed deeply. Tyson, Cham, Ethan and Ken already knew my parent situation. I hadn't told Maiah as it never came up in conversation. The only thing that people didn't know is what my mother was actually like. A drunk.

"My dad cleared off a few years ago so I have no idea who or where he is and my mother's an alcoholic." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I feel like there's more to it than that." I smiled up at him, loving and hating how he could read me like a book.

"My mother," I sighed deeply. "She doesn't know that I have powers and as far as I know, she doesn't have them either." I said, raising my hand and having snowflakes dance around my fingers.

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