
14 2 2

Just before this chapter starts, I want to clarify-- Rin meant she never wanted to talk to her relatives ever again, not just not talk ever again. I hope you guys like this chapter!!


I sat staring out the window, glaring in silence. After a while, I began humming along to “Misery Business” by Paramore and drumming my fingers lightly against the windowsill. I closed my eyes, I focused solely on the beat, trying to let go of, well, everything that had happened. I soon forgot that I had company until I heard a light coughing noise, obviously fake.

I looked up, annoyed that I was interrupted in my moment of relaxation. My driver was a boy, maybe a few years older than me, looking at me through wide rimmed, circular glasses, with a little piece of tape in the middle. He rolled my eyes at my irritated expression. Seconds after I saw his face, though, I started laughing.

“Y-you look just l-like Harry Potter!” I gasped, clutching my stomach and the door handle. I glanced back up and saw his face turn beet red.

“Well, that was rude…” He muttered, looking as far right as he could without taking his eyes completely off the road. “They told me you couldn’t talk…”

In an instant my smile faded. Unwittingly, he had reopened all the scars I was trying to bandage over during this ridiculously long car ride. I sat back and looked out the window so he couldn’t see my expression. “Yeah, well it’s a little hard to face the people who think it’s okay to throw you aside like trash.”

I winced at the sudden awkward silence. Okay, I was mad, I mean who wouldn’t be? But that didn’t mean I had to take it out on this poor Harry Potter look-alike.

After what felt like an hour, I spoke again, still facing away from him. “Look, I’m sorry…” I said gently, continuing when he failed to reply. “I don’t even know your name,” I realized, turning around.

He stared stonily out the window. “James.” I made a small choking sound.

Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, I thought, using my whole willpower not to smile. “That’s cool…” I said, my voice coming out strangled. “I’m Rin,” I smiled at him, inwardly sighing at the relief of not having to hold it back anymore. He didn’t have to know I was smiling because of his name. No, Rin, that is not how you make friends…

We sat in silence once again, a much less stressed one then last time, me staring out the window at the buildings passing us, watching wide-eyed as they slowly got larger and larger. When did we get to the city? I thought to myself. I could’ve sworn we were in the woods a minute ago.

“So why did they kick you out?” I winced as the comfortable silence shattered and fell to the ground, replaced by sheer awkwardness.

I felt my expression go blank, my eyes go cold, and I turned away once again. “I don’t really want to talk about it,” I whispered, so quietly, I’m not sure if he heard.

“I mean, you have such a large extended family, someone was bound to take you in,” he continued. Apparently, Mr. James Potter couldn’t take a hint. I was seconds away from using an Unforgivable Curse. “You must have done something awful.” He laughed.

My eyes narrowed. Don’t say something you’ll regret, I thought, trying to convince myself. You’re new, he’s the only one you’ve met, without a friend you’ll be eaten alive.

“I heard them saying you were crazy, and with that red hair, you look it,” he grinned at his own insult. I clenched my fist around the water bottle I was holding. I guess I would just need to find another, more civilized friend.

In a smooth motion, I untwisted the cap to my dangerously full water bottle and turned it upside down over the smug idiot’s carefully styled dark brown locks. He swore, twisting the wheel and almost hitting a car in the other lane, which dodged and beeped loudly.

“Don’t do that at home, kids,” I muttered, sitting back with a who, me? expression. He stared at me in disbelief, having pulled over in his shock. I looked out the window, dreading the yelling that was bound to follow after that, I admit, stupid stunt. But hey, he did deserve it…

My eyes lit up looking at the sign outside of the window. I never thought I would be so happy to see the words “Orphanage.”

“Hey, we’re here!” I said, quickly leaning over to take out the key, so he couldn’t drive off with my luggage to spite me. Quickly, I hauled my stuff out of the trunk and slung my backpack over my shoulder, grinning at his expression, still processing my audacious actions. I threw the car keys at his head as he stepped out of the car, laughing outright when they bounced off his forehead and fell to the ground with a clatter.

He turned to me now, his expression morphing into one of anger. I gulped. Uh oh. Without another word, I sprinted for the door… well, kind of. One can only go so fast with so much baggage to drag along. Thankfully, seems like the kid wasn’t the most athletic person on the planet.

He stumbled after me, cursing as I hurried up the steps. “Hey, stop!” He yelled after me, looking a little worried. I had no time to care, however, and I had no desire to let him catch me.

“Yeah right,” I muttered, slightly out of breath as I reached for the front doors.

I was inside in seconds, hurrying down the dusty, dark hallway with my nose wrinkled. As I reached out for the double doors at the end of the hall, a damp hand clamped down on my shoulders. I bit back a scream and jumped, whirling around.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?” A breathless James stood before me, his glasses eskew and his hair resembling that of a drowned rat. He looked past me at the doors like he was waiting for a serial killer to jump out with his chainsaw. When I didn’t answer, he shook me violently, eyes slightly crazed.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?!” he asked again, staring into my face.

“… What?”


I know, kind of stupid ending, but it'll start getting interesting next chapter!! And the squirtle? I guess it's just a representation of Rin's awesome way of dealing with the situation XD. Thanks for reading!

~Sky Bubblecloud

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