Survive Part one. Chapter 3

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Part one: Five months in the past; the beginning.

Chapter 3:  “It’s confidential.” Oh really?

       Mass chaos.

That’s what happens when you tell people that they are going to die. They erupt into utter chaos.  People were banging at the windows and the doors, looking for a way to escape. However, the C.D.C workers sealed them closed. I was waiting for about an hour for my turn to be tested and was growing annoyed and tired. People were constantly getting into fights, especially girls. The fights were extremely brutal and took a lot of teachers or C.D.C workers to break them up.

 “You bitch!”

I turned towards two girls fighting. One girl was smaller and pudgier and the other girl was taller and lankier.

“You ugly son of a bitch! I swear I’m going to rip your face off!” The shorter girl yelled before running up to the other girl. She pulled her hair and started to punch her in the head. The taller girl kneed her in the stomach. Both girls fell to the ground, the shorter girl still having a hold on her hair. The girls rolled around on the ground, punching each other in the faces. The C.D.C workers and a couple of teachers intervened, pulling the two girls off of each other. The shorter girl, however, was still pissed.

“I’m going to kill you if the virus doesn’t do it first.” She cried, trying to get out of the grip of a teacher.  She kicked him in the shin, which made him loosen his grip. She broke free, rage evident in her eyes. She went running for the taller girl who was being restrained by a teacher. From the looks of it, it didn’t seem that she was trying to get out of it. Before she came a few inches close to the other girl, the shorter girl fell to the ground. A C.D.C. worker stood behind her, a taser in his hand.

  Holy shit. He just tasered her. I had to blink a couple of times. Everyone was in shock, their mouths wide open. The C.D.C worker lifted the girl up off the ground. To my knowledge she looked conscious, just really confused. Then he dragged her away. To where? I had no clue. The other girl was also dragged away to the unknown place. After that incident, everything was quiet. There weren’t any more fights since no one wanted to be tasered.


I whipped my head towards a nurse. 

“It’s your turn.” She informed me.

I quickly followed her into the brightly lit office. The Head Mistress, Dr. Esposito, Noel, Mr. Kearney and C.D.C. workers occupied the office.  The office was huge with ugly florescent lights. I grimaced at the fact that it probably made my scar uglier. I saw a couple of them try not to stare at it. I resisted the urge to scowl at the Head Mistress; we didn’t have the best relationship. To be honest, she hates me and the feeling is mutual.

Now that they were closer to me, I could see the three men better and fuck, Noel was attractive. His face was chiseled to perfection with sharp cheekbones and a strong jaw line. From where he was standing, I couldn't make out the colors of his eyes, but they looked dark. I barely gave Dr. Esposito and Mr. Kearney a second glance, because my eyes were locked onto Noel. He, too,was staring at me and I almost gave him my award winning smile, when I realized he was probably staring at my scar and not because I was attractive.

 “Hi, I’m Dr, Fortune. What’s your name?” A pretty bottle blonde said.

“Her name is Nicolette Clarke.” The Head Mistress practically spat out.

Hello to you too, bitch. I thought miserably. 

Dr. Fortune wrote that down in a notebook.

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