On the Road

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"If I leave now, I'll be home in four hours" I explained. I drew my long hair, into a bun on the top of my head, to prepare for the long drive ahead. "I'll give you a ring when I get there, so you don't worry."

"You're too kind." drawled Jess, her tone laced with heavy sarcasm.

Ignoring my sister, I walked over to my parents and gave each of them a big hug.

"Thank you so much for having me."

"Please take care, Darling" murmured my mother, the fear apparent in her eyes. "The weather is really setting in."

"Please be careful" murmured Jess as she squeezed me tightly.

"Always" I smiled, hugging her back equally hard, before grabbing my bag and pulling open the front door.

Straight away, a frigid blast of air filled the hallway, I wondered whether this really was one of my better ideas. Stubborn to a fault and determined to plough on regardless now, I stepped forwards. Sinking marginally into the deep snow, my actions caused a crunching noise beneath my boots which was surprisingly satisfying.

Hurrying across to my car and starting the engine, I scraped away the mounds of gathering snow from the windows, giving them a blast from the can of de-icer for good measure. Already incredibly cold, even though I'd only been exposed to the elements for a matter of minutes, I dropped gratefully into my car and set the heater to maximum. It was a relief when the chilled air in my aching lungs began to be replaced by a warmer alternative. Carefully, I reversed out of the driveway, my family waving apprehensively from the front window. I raised my hand and smiled as I drove away, determined not to look back.

For the first few miles, I stood by my decision. Although the roads were largely untreated and a little slippery, they remained passable. Gradually, however, as the miles increased, so did my feeling of unease.

'Oh fuuuuuuucccckkk!' I shrieked unexpectedly. With my thoughts focussed entirely on the landscape, I'd failed to notice a huge cow standing in the centre of the road. Swerving recklessly, my last, grateful thought was at least I'd managed to avoid hitting the animal. And then, there was darkness.

Jungkook, Jin & Reader (18+ Fiction/Smut)Where stories live. Discover now