___ 𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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//CHAPTER ONE:: family reunion//

( season four, episode two, reunion )

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( season four, episode two, reunion )

LIGHT BROWN EYES scanned over the electric map, keeping track of every activity around them. "No suspicious activity around us," Matthew concluded eventually as he turned to Cozbi.

Cozbi threw her head back, sighing. "Except for the fact that we're literally surrounded by a Galra fleet." She encountered, leaning even more back in her chair. She only wished for the slightest bit of action. For days now, they spent their time on an empty asteroid to keep Matthew hidden from the bounty hunters.

Matthew couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Yeah, but they haven't noticed us for weeks." He shot back. After he was freed from the Galra prison, he made a map. With that map, they could track all Galran fleet activity around them, giving them an advantage in later battles.

"So what?" Cozbi stood up and walked over to him. "I can't let them have you." She said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

He smiled but before could answer a beeping sound went off on the map behind them. Instantly turned Matthew himself towards the screen and began typing. "Wait, hold up." He said, his eyes widened in shock.

At first, she was confused but rather quickly she switched and knew her purpose on this base. She had to protect Matthew under any circumstance.  "What happened?" She asked, getting closer to the screen in the hope to find it out herself. Unfortunately, she wasn't that good with computers and had no idea what she was staring at.

"Someone landed on this asteroid with some kind of a powerful ship," Matthew stated in pure confusion. He noticed how it wasn't Galra but another ship that seemed much stronger than any Galra fleet he had ever detected.

Cozbi scoffed in confusion. "Why? There is nothing special here, it is just a big rock." She spat, not understanding why someone would come to this asteroid willingly. If she could, she would be gone already but instead, she had to stay and protect Matthew. It was her way of earning money and therefore food.

Matthew knew she was right. There was nothing special about the asteroid. therefore it didn't add up why someone was landing on it. "Exactly. I'll try to hack into their ship and find out who they are." He immediately began typing, searching for a way into the system of the unknown vehicle.

As she rested her hands on her hips, she observed every action of Matthew. "I hope that they won't come looking for us." She mumbled more to herself than towards Matthew.

Still, he responded to her statement. "No, me neither. I-"

She cut him off, the second she heard sounds coming from the entrance above her. "Shush! I think they entered. " Her gaze shot instantly up and noticed how the hatch above was opening. Of course, no one could know they were here, tracking and hiding from the Galra.

Matthew noticed it too and jumped up to get as quickly as possible to a safe hiding spot behind the machinery. "Quick, hide," he commanded and both got behind the metal as Cozbi kept her eyes on the intruder.

Even though she had her eyes glued on the armored person, Cozbi handed a helmet to Matthew. "Matt! Put on my mask. I don't want them to recognize you." She commanded as she pushed her mask in his hands.

"Fair enough." He sighs, raising the helmet over his head.

The intruder began taking looks around, inspecting the place. "This must be some kind of spy facility." They muttered as soon as they recognized the Galra-fleet-tracking-map.

In the meanwhile, both Matthew and Cozbi got ahold of a weapon. "Ready?" Cozbi whispered, tightening her grip around her plasma swords. Matthew nodded as he held onto the metal pole he preferred to fight with.

Cozbi came as first in action and attempted to hit the armored individual but they knew to dodge the attack. Matthew followed up but again no luck. She rolled away but gave, therefore, another chance for Cozbi to strike. However, they pulled out their weapon as well, and with it, they blocked Cozbi's strike.

They ran up a wall and jumped over Matthew, pulling his mask along with the motion, off of his face. "What have you done with my brother?" They yelled in anger. Matthew looked up into the stranger's eyes and instantly they both let down their guard.


The realization hit Pidge; her brother was standing right in front of her. "Matt." She breathed. Immediately the two embraced each other warmly. They hadn't seen each other for at least one year after all. "Oh, my gosh!" the tears were streaming over their cheeks, tears of happiness.

Cozbi now knew they knew each other and lowered her swords while Pidge went on. "Ever since the Kerberos mission, they said you were dead, But I knew in my heart you weren't!"

"I can't believe you found me. It doesn't seem possible." The tears of happiness streamed over both their faces.

They let go of each other, only to look in the eyes of each other which they haven't seen in a year. "The thought of you and dad kept me going, inspired me to do the impossible." A glorious smile snuck onto her face.

Matt chuckled proudly at his sister. "Okay, but seriously, how'd you get this far into space?" Of course, he knew the Garrison wouldn't just let his sister into space without any reason.

"It's a long story. Is there any chance you've heard of Voltron?" Pidge questioned.

For a second Matt was confused by the mention of Voltron. "Of course, I've heard of Voltron."

Pidge tilted her head slightly. "Well, I'm one of the paladins."

Raising his eyebrows, Mat was shocked. "No. No. Seriously?" He almost couldn't believe it. He turned to Cozbk before going on. "Coz, did you hear that? My sister is a Paladin of Voltron."

Cozbi smiled "That's so awesome." She was happy for Matt. After dozen of stories about his little sister, they finally found each other. But to her, a paladin of Voltron meant something else; the deal with Lotor.

Matt gasped, realizing he hadn't introduced Cozbi to Pidge nor otherwise. "Oh, yes. I totally forgot." First, he turned to Pidge, "Pidge, I want you to meet Cozbi. She broke me out of prison."

Cozbi walked up to Matt's sister. "Hi, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, Pidge." She held out her hand, wanting to come over as friendly.

Pidge took her hand, shaking it. "Thank you for rescuing my brother."

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. . .

Chapter one is alive. Well, what do you guys think of it? Oh yes and not to forget, thank you for the first two votes.

<3 rosa

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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