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Four ship girls were heading out to intercept a siren fleet but when they got there they found the siren fleet decimated and something they looked around and found two high-ranking sirens leaning against the wreaked hull of a battleship one of them heavily injured and the other terrified

Enterprise: what happened here

Observer (terrified out of her life): we were moving along like we normally would and then this white thing came out of nowhere it tore apart our ships like they were nothing all weapons had no effect against it our plasma beams just bounced right off his armor it was sadistic and violent it enjoyed every kill I can still hear his voice

???: Sirens come out come out wherever you are I only want to kill you

Observer (even more terrified): oh God it's him

Suddenly a glowing yellow Spike tears through the hull impaling observer alpha through the chest

???: Found you

The spike tears back through the ship dragging the siren with it and the ship girls look over to see

The spike tears back through the ship dragging the siren with it and the ship girls look over to see

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???: Now then siren if you value your life you'll tell me exactly what your empress is planning

Observer: I'll  never talk demon

???: well this is interesting a siren with a code of Honor well then if you will not tell me your secrets Then you have no use being alive and I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart limb by limb

Enterprise: you could interrogate her you know interrogate her until you have the information you need

???: What use does a demon like me has for information all I'm here for is to killing of sirens which I take personally enjoyment of

Tripitz: you're a monster you have to be worse than the sirens (gets impaled by ??? claws shocking everyone due to his speed)

???: Never ever compare me to those freaks (removes claws from tripitz)

??? Then slowly and violently tears observer alpha apart splattering himself with the yellow blood of the siren

Hood: oh my gosh you take enjoyment from this

Kaga: just what are you

???: What I am is of no concern to yourself ijn kaga but I have a siren to kill now move out of the way

Hood: you mean purifier there's no way yo-(Dodges out of the way of ???S tail Spike which then impales purifier through the head killing her and retracts taking the body with it before swinging around violently sending the body off)

???: My work here is almost done now all that's left to do is look around for any stragglers like that one hiding behind that ship (draws mace and throws it punching a hole directly through the ship and killing another siren)

???: No sirens detected the sounds of battle what an excitement

Enterprise (draws bow and pulls back energy arrow): who are you tell me now

???: How pathetic you think you can order me around well I'll humor you this once my name is asw-g-08 barbatos lupus rex now then cv-6 Enterprise what are you going to do now

Enterprise: how do you know my name

Barbatos: USS Enterprise the ship girl that has every siren running your famous amongst all of us though not as famous as I the white devil of tekadden squadron

Kaga: well then why don't you hel-gah(gets impaled by barbatos' tail Spike )

Barbatos: make no mistake I'm not your ally either to me you're just a knock off siren have a not so pleasant day and go kill yourself maybe I'll be seeing you in hell oh and by the way time was your ally humans but now it has abandoned you

barbatos then takes off at an extremely high speed


Admiral: so this barbitos lupus Rex killed every siren on his own in a very brutal and violent manner not caring about information and when you try to get him to come back here he attacked you and said that we were not allies

Enterprise: yes he also said that time was our Ally but it is not with us anymore I don't know what that means

ReZEL: it means a new enemy is about to join into your war neither with you or the sirens but an enemy to both my faction
The look outside to see a blue robot

ReZEL: it means a new enemy is about to join into your war neither with you or the sirens but an enemy to both my factionThe look outside to see a blue robot

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Admiral: oh and what do you call yourself

ReZEL: the empire of Gundam will not stand for this treachery humans consider this an official declaration of war

(aims blaster at some random secondary admiral and fires killing her then transforms into some sort of jet and flies off)

Admiral: well then this can't end well for us

betrayed Barbatos Lupus Rex x azur lane(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now