1- The Beginning

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"i'll never be that me again, the me that lived, that was truly alive inside out."

I step onto the platform of 9 3/4 the morning air stinging my face as i watch as the hogwarts express comes into my view. My first day of 3rd year,a day i've always dreamed about, the day where my life would truly begin. I have always aspired to be a great witch as my family was and still are today and knowing that the journey finally begins at hogwarts today couldn't feel any better.I walk towards the train, seeing people watching me out of the corner of my eye. i mean i am y/n Riddle what did i expect. I've always known my family's history is problematic in the wizarding world, but i know how to handle myself even if making the right friends will be hard at first especially as some of our allied family's ,who are knowledgeable of my family's dark work, attend Hogwarts too.
I reach for my trunk off the ground and haul it along the platform towards the train door. I look around to see all the other first years being seen off by their parents and kissed goodbye. Not me though. My family love me they do but their work helping the dark lord is just too important to mess up on and besides i always feel a bit out of place knowing they aren't my biological parents and the weighing pressure of having to impress the family that chose me. I wish the platform goodbye as i silently step onto the train with my luggage.

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