Can't Cook for Shitaki

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(Y'all are really gonna have to use your imagination for this one. Kio is taller and slightly more toned than Noah and he's in day college while Noah's in night college.)

Ship: Kio x Noah

Genre: Fluff

Requested by  Lxna_Gxmez

Noah's POV

Every day is the same. Wake up, go to work, see Kio for about 3 hours once he's home and then head to school while he's at work.

The only quality time we get to spend together is on the weekends and during breaks and holidays. But with winter break officially over, we were looking at a couple long months just like this one.

As I drove home from work, appreciating how quiet it is with the only sounds being the wind whipping by and other cars passing me, my mind had time to wander.

I thought about our current situation and how are 'diets' were basically non-existent since the only real meals we ate were breakfast.

Then, something hit me that I'm surprised I didn't think about a long time ago. 

What if I make dinner for us?

I could finish cooking by the time Kio got home and then we could eat together before going our separate ways.

It was the perfect plan! Except for the small detail that I've never cooked anything that doesn't require foil and goes straight in the oven.

Once I got home, I quickly ran inside and searched through our refrigerator and pantry for anything I could use.

I grabbed flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, yeast, eggs, and bottled water, in case sink water wasn't good enough.

I threw the items onto the counter carelessly and tried to decide what to make with them. The first thing that came to mind was pizza, so that's what I did.

There was an hour and a half until Kio would be home, which I figured was plenty of time.

I considered myself a pizza connoisseur and didn't bother finding a recipe.

I found every glass bowl we owned which was only two, but they were big.

I poured the dry ingredients into one bowl and the wet ones into another like they did on all those cooking shows.

After mixing the powders together, I mixed the eggs while pouring in a little water at a time.

Soon, I had a mess of flour everywhere and some fluffy eggs. I poured the dry mixture in with the eggs and water and mixed them.

The dough was dense and sticky, so I kept mixing until the spatula almost broke and seemed to be stuck.

"Good enough, I guess." I mumbled to myself.

I covered my hands in olive oil and took the dough from the bowl and massaged it with my hands.

It was hard, but I finally managed to spread the thick dough onto a pan. I glanced up at the clock and saw that I had 45 minutes left and briskly grabbed the toppings.

When everything was on there, I put the pizza into the oven that had been preheating to 400.

I set a 20 minute timer and fell to the floor, somehow exhausted from the work I'd just done.

After a few minutes of just laying there, I got up and started cleaning the kitchen. I wanted to peek at the pizza, but I also wanted to surprise myself.

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