chapter one

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The school was very huge and large, it looks like an high scraper I guess

I really didn't Know the principal office because the gateman has directed me to him. after thirty minutes of looking around I had to hail a guy

"Excuse me" I hauled a guy who was about to pass by

"I see you must be new here" the asked

"Yeah, quick question could you please direct me to the principal office because I've been searching since" I said feeling exhausted

"Go to the third floor of the building, you would see two long lawns ,enter the first one,u would see many offices use then use the no 19 door" he directed

The direction were confusing, frist of all the lawns and secondly the offices

"It's okay it may be confusing I was as confused as you when I first got here so it fine to be confused, I'll go with you since I don't have any other plans for the rest of the day" he said noticing I was confused

We were now on the third floor, I was busy admiring all those photos hanging on the wall that I didn't even notice that we've reached the no 19 door and the guy was now starring at me

"Sorry" I murmured

"It fine if you are staring at the pictures at least it not mine......well we've reached the door" he said

'' thanks, by the way don't be annoyed I know it's silly , is your principal grumpy, you know"I asked counting my fingers

"Find out for yourself" he said giving me a tight smile which made his dimples poke in and made him look hot but not my type of guy

I knocked before entering

" You must be Ella fread"he asked

"Yes sir" I replied almost immediately. The man wasn't that old , I guess he may be in his late 40

"Have your seat"he summond me to seat down " well I'm Mr Alfredo Dante" he said giving me a hand shake " welcome to avilar college were your potential are built, your dad told me about you and your academic performance ,I see it was very impressive" he said smiling

I was already blushing when I heard what he said

" But" the principal continued " don't let that get into brain because many people from different locations are here , people from Spain, Japan , phillipin, and so on, this is what I tell others education is not only reading and writing it deals with your moral and how you contribute to the school positively but that doesn't mean you should not study , be morally and educationally strong , once again welcome to avilar college where your potential Is built" he said " meet the burser to give you your room number, identity card,room keys and the your school wears" he said

"Thanks"I said as I headed to the door. I was surprised to see the guy still here, he was sitting down and bending his head

"Did you want to see the principal" I asked. He quickly stood up before dursting his head

"No, I dicided to wait for you in case you need help again" he said

" Thanks, I was actually going to ask where the burser office was" I asked

" It's not far from here" he said

We walked pass many doors, i was already tired

"Aren't you guys tired of walking through so many elevator" I asked with much concern

"Nope, it have become part of us don't worry you would soon get use to it" he said before stopping at door no 125

I gave a slight knock to the door before I heard "come in"

" Good day ma'am" I greeted

" You must be Ella fread" she asked politely

"Yes ma'am" I answered. The woman sitting down wasin her early 40, she was olive in complextion while Mr already was white in complextion

" Here is your room number,room keys and your identity card ,your school wears haven't been brought but I'll send a student to come give you .by the way I'm Mrs Smith" she said handling me a poly bag

" Thanks" I said and went out,I saw the guy waiting for me as usual

" So how did it go" the guy asked

" Good, nothing much" I answered

" I forgot to ask you about your name" the guy asked

" Oh ,I am Ella fread " I said

"I'm lioneard laquester ,lio for short" he said while pressing the elevator button" ladies frist " he guestured

"Thanks" I replied as I entered the glass elevator, he followed behind before pressing the button

" You have a. Phillipin accent" he said

" Yes , I'm from the phillipin, I came back last week" I said

" It fit you" he said

" Thanks lio" I said smiling

The elevator finally came to a stopped at the girls hostel the outside door was glass

" So I'll be seeing you around right" lio asked

" Sure" I said before making my way to the girls hostel

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