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I'm not particularly spontaneous.

I like order. And plans. A schedule, even.

But the excitement on her face was practically irresistible. I couldn't deny her the pleasure of sharing her favorite band with me.

Even though I really would like to.

But I absolutely adore my sweet Molly Lancaster and I could never let her down.

So tonight I begrudgingly agreed to go see a band she likes after she waved the tickets in my face and put on the most pathetic expression I'd ever seen to guilt me into going. I really couldn't resist her.

I'm a sucker for pleasing people, I guess.

"Stop," she gasps from behind me, making me whip my head around to see her standing behind me. "You're absolutely stunning."

I let out a chuckle and shake my head. "Mol, this is nothing." I run my hands over my faded blue mom jeans and sigh, looking at myself in the mirror.

My strappy, black silk tank top sits nicely on my shoulders, flowing ever-so-slightly above the waistband of my jeans. I have a pair of black Docs on to match. It's a very basic look. Nothing special at all.

My hair is laying past my shoulders, its dark brown curls and waves taking shape down my back. My makeup is light, as always.

I look very... myself.

"Stop, you're being too humble," she giggles. She smiles at me through the mirror and purses her lips before pacing off to the other end of the room. She comes back with a dainty silver chain, which she brings over my head and to my neck, using the mirror in front of me as her guide. "The perfect touch," she mumbles under her breath as she clasps the necklace and smiles through the mirror. "My beautiful best friend..." she hums.

I turn around and wrap my arms around her, embracing her in a warm hug. I pull away and look down at her. She's wearing a dainty off-white lace dress held up by two thin straps.

"Well, look at you," I smile. "Maybe those musician boys will fall in love with you."

She giggles and glances at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hands over her dress. "Well, that is the plan, is it not?" she chuckles. I shake my head and laugh at her. "But my goal is to get Luke to notice me," she says in all seriousness, completely straight-faced.

"Which one's Luke?" I ask.

"Je-sus, Hailey," she sighs. "You're absolutely embarrassing." She reaches over to the side table beside my bed and grabs our tickets. "We have front-row seats. You need to pretend like you know what the hell is going on."

"But I don't."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Well, for my sake and the sake of my future, please pretend that you do." I laugh at her but she continues. "I will tell you who they all are when we get there."

"Okay, okay," I laugh. "Can we go now?"

"Yes," she nods eagerly. "But no embarrassing me," she says, pointing her finger at me and pursing her lips.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I laugh, pushing her out of the room.


Grungy would be one word.

I like to consider myself worldly and willing to experience new cultures, even though I'm not particularly intrigued by the idea of leaving my own shell.

But the culture of a 5 Seconds of Summer concert is not quite my style.

I'd heard of the band before and I've undoubtedly heard a few of their songs on the radio, but I never really took the time to indulge in their music or learn anything about them at all. I just was never very interested.

Teeth | c.h. [ON HOLD]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant