Info chapter

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One PB's got some problems there lol two the needed info. So this a one shot book. It's surrounded mostly on Disney and animaniacs one shots but I might slip some other one shots from other fandoms when I want to. I take requests as well. At the moment I have a one shot in mind for Mickey and Oswald to be reunited, something with the Warner siblings, a bubbline thing and a small Pokémon one as well. I know I'm all over the place with this shit. Oh also warning there will be mild cussing depending on either what or how im writing or the franchise I'm doing a one shot on and possible triggering subjects may be mentioned such as abuse, suicide, self harm, and non con. as well so just a little warning before anyone jumps into this book all Willy nilly without knowing the consequences and I really don't want to be the cause of someone having a panic attack or flash back overflow to a bad time in someone's life. I'd feel to guilty if I caused anything like that so there's the warning and I'll put a warning on those specific chapter. Once again this is mainly revolved around Disney and Animaniacs but I can take requests to do one shots for franchises I know as well.

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