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It was a hot summer day in Houston, Texas. Awsten Knight was walking down the sidewalk with ice cream in one hand, dog leash in another. His days were rather boring, being a college drop out and all. He decided to head over to H-E-B to get his favorite drink. Orange juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice. Pulp and all.

He didn't mind pulp, as long as it's fresh.

Awsten walked into the store and headed straight to the back to grab a bottle. Reading the date printed, he took it and rushed over to the cashier.

"Is this all for you?" A deep voice asked.

"Yeah, wait, who's talking?"

"Me, the cashier."

Awsten looked around in confusion. There was no one by the register. "I'm sorry, I can't see you."

The cashier frowned in confusion, then remembered who he was. "That's okay! Hold on a second." He walked over to Awsten and planted a kiss on the blue haired boy's cheek. Awsten grew red hot and got ready to start yelling. However, he stopped himself when he saw who was next to him.

"Holy shit, are you Dwayne The Rock Johnson?!" He gasped. The cashier, The Rock, nodded.

"Yeah, it's usually John Cena who people say they can't see, but he's soulmates with everyone. I guess you and me are different." The Rock smiled. Awsten felt his cheeks warm up and moved his hand up to where The Rock kissed him. It's not every day you see some famous celebrity working at an H-E-B in Texas. It's also not every day you find out your soulmate is Dwayne The Rock Johnson.

"Shit, so, we're soulmates, huh?" Awsten mumbled.

"I guess so," The Rock responded, folding his arms over his chest.

"Fuck, how am I gonna tell Geoff?" Awsten groaned.

"Who's Geoff?"

"My dom-ass boyfriend. It's fine, he was too rough with his cock anyways." Awsten shrugged. The Rock widened his eyes.

"Anyways, what's your name?"

"Awsten Knight." Awsten told him, smiling and ruffling his blue locks.

"Sounds good to me, wanna go somewhere?"

"What about your job?"

"Fuck that shit, I don't need no money. Fuck the government they stink ass." The Rock grabbed onto Awsten's hand and walked out of the store.

The two walked down the sidewalk, mostly talking about Awsten's dog.

"So, why do they call you The Rock, anyways?" Awsten asked. The Rock looked around, making sure no one could see or hear what might be shared.

Finally, The Rock leaned in and said, "It's because of my rock hard schlong. It's huge and hard. I used to be a porn star." Awsten gasped.

"Oh shit, you did porn?!" He asked in shock. The Rock nodded.

"Yeah, I accidentally killed a guy with my massive long hard leaking pulsing cock on set-- don't worry, it wasn't during sex-- but that's why I don't do it anymore," he explained.

"Wait, then what did you do?" Awsten asked.

"He pissed me off, told me my cock wasn't big despite it being a world record dick, so I smacked him with it. It ended up killing him. I'm a convicted felon now," The Rock told him. Awsten flinched at the word felon.

"Please don't use that word or any variation of it around me," he asked.

"What word? Felon?"

Awsten flinched again.

"What's wrong with the word felon?"

With that, Awsten fell to the ground. Unconscious. The Rock gasped and dove to the ground. "Shit! Aws! Are you okay?" He began to shake him.

Awsten immediately jumped up, big blue sunglasses covering his heterochromic eyes.


"Who the fuck is Awsten?" Awsten asked, pulling out stacks of hundred dollar bills and a pocket knife from his back pocket. "I'm Felony Steve, bitch. Who the fuck are you?"

"Awsten...?" The Rock trailed off.

"Who the fuck are you calling me Awsten, whore?" Felony Steve spat.

"I thought... I thought we had something special?" The Rock whimpered.

"Fuck off, I got some government to run from." Felony Steve flipped off the sad, taller man and began to run away.

"Steve! Wait!" The Rock began to run after him.

It was a never ending tale at this point. Awsten changing from Felony Steve and Felony Steve changing to Awsten. The Rock never getting a chance to give his love to Awsten because Felony Steve would pop out. Felony Steve would run, and The Rock would chase after him. It was a never ending chase for Awsten Knight's love, and The Rock would never win.

A NEVER ENDING TALE (AWSTEN KNIGHT X THE ROCK)Where stories live. Discover now