Gabriel Agreste

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Gabriel Agreste was confused. There was no way he could approve of this relationship. It was bad for publicity, for the company. But it also ran deeper than that. It seemed like a betrayal to Emilie. How could Adrien do this? How could he move on, be happy, when Emilie wasn't there? He should be mourning her, trying to help revive her. Then again, Adrien didn't know that. How could he know his mom was still alive, still there? Gabriel hadn't told him. 

Those thoughts were running through his mind on repeat when he went to meeting with his son and Marinette over dinner. It was bad for the company, bad for Adrien, bad for Hawkmoth, and a betrayal to dear Emilie. He would have to say no.
But then something had happened to completely change his mind. Adrien had smiled, had laughed. It wasn't the smile he wore during shoots or the heartbreaking smile of someone who was numb to pain, it was much much more, much better than that. It didn't have pain behind it, it wasn't based on neglect. It was pure bliss, pure joy. And that got Gabriel Agreste thinking. He remembered the times before Emilie had disappeared. Adrien was always smiling, always laughing, always playing. Gabriel hadn't seen him do that for a long time- too long. But Marinette brought him joy. As soon as she walked into the room Adrien had sat taller, smiled wider, and it seemed like he was a free bird soaring through the sky. He was happy, content. And nothing could disrupt it. It was clear, Adrien Agreste was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and that was the first thing Gabriel realized.

Gabriel had pondered something else as well. From his demeanor it was clear that Adrien wanted his father to approve of them. But in their words, in their tone it was a statement, a fact. They were not asking for permission to date but rather revealing that they were and would continue too. And there was another reason Gabriel couldn't disapprove of their relationship. He had invalidated his ability to. He had not been there for Adrien when he needed it. Sure, he had lost his wife, but he had forgotten Adrien had lost his mom. And now, when it was too late, Gabriel Agreste realized something else, a second thing. Though both were still alive, Adrien had lost two parents that night.

As he looked at Marinette and Adrien, he was reminded of himself and Emilie. A fashion designer and a model. The perfect pair. It was more than that though. He could tell that Adrien and Marinette inspired each other. They were there to enjoy happy moments together. But they also had each other's backs. It was obvious who sneaked Adrien treats when he was most depressed, most sad and lost. It was obvious who helped Marinette as well. He noticed something on one of her clothes she made for her friend, no doubt with a deadline. It had a piece that was not done as well, as nicely. It was good enough for no one else to notice but it had not slipped by his talented eye. Another thing he noticed that day, was the pricks of a sewing needle on Adrien's fingers. Adrien had helped her out. He had helped her sew something. Even from a young age, Adrien had despised sewing. He didn't have any of the passion for clothes making that his parents possessed. They had rarely been able to convince him to try sewing. But he had done it for Marinette. 

And so, for Emilie he let it be, helping them out, giving advice to them both. For the hope he felt when he was with Emilie, for the love they had together. For the time they had was cut short and he prayed for the same not to happen to his son. Sure, he did it for Emilie and the memories of her, but no matter what he could not deny that above all, he had done it for Adrien Agreste, his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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