Will time tell?

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Remus's POV•
Someone whispered into my ear but I couldn't make out the words so I assumed we made it to Hogwarts. Suddenly all I could hear was "Remus likes Achilles,Remus likes Achilles, Remus like Achilles" The other boys practically yelled at the tops of their voices. I could feel my checks heat up quickly. Trying to get out of this situation I announced " we should probably get off the train before we miss all the carriages. Everyone nodded in agreement.Slowly we made our way to the carriages after the long and bumpy ride from the train station we made to to Hogwarts. Achilles was the last one out of the carriage so I helped out like a true gentleman. "Ok enough lovebirds" shouted padfoot from the stairs leading into the school. Achilles and I blushed but she didn't blush as much as I did.
I'm proud of myself for writing this much so far•

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