Chapter 16

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A song to make you feel better.

12:09 am

I sighed as I laid in bed wide awake,
I really need sleep oh my god.
'Who's pinging me on discord' I thought to myself as I open the notification
" Dream? " I whisper to myself before replying

Whats up?

Can we call?

Weird but okay. I said to myself before calling him, not even bothering to give a response

3RD Person's POV

" Hello?? " Y/N said as she calls Dream
" Hey.." Dream responds, seemingly tired and a bit drunk? ( I know dream doesn't like drinking I'm sorry for this )
" Dream..Have you been drinking? " I question him, narrowing my eyes even though he cant see me
" No—you know what. Yes, Yes I have. " Dream admits, usually he would say no and ask the person to not push it but a side of him yearned for Y/N's affection, he wanted her to engulf him with her warmth, He wanted her comfort.
" Knowing you, You would never drink since you've said you dont like to drink, Is Something wrong? " Y/N responds in a worried tone, she's worried for dream, dream usually makes her laugh or cheers her up. But dream never called her like this
" I'm not, Everything has been stressing me out— I can't handle this, People trying to dox me...even going as far as to trying to find my sister's social media just to get a glimpse of my face.." he explains
" Dream, if i could— I would hold you in my arms, But listen to this. Don't ever—Ever! feel the need to show them what you look like okay? You dont owe them in anyway— they don't matter, YOU matter "
Y/N says, comforting dream as best as she can
"Y/N...." Dream says in a low voice she's never heard before, for some reason this got her heart racing fast—No. He's just a friend.
" How about this? I sing you a little song and you go to sleep after? " Y/N proposes
" Yes.."

—I recommend Heat waves ;)
okay im starting to regret my existence because there is a high chance sapnap is reading this story in a call with george.—

" There, done. Now go to—dream? "
Y/N says wondering why she isnt getting a response—until she hears a light snoring from dream, " pfft—alright, goodnight " she says before finally ending the call.


Winner: Dream

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