The escape.

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Day 13 and 5 hours since the Enclave was destroyed: Woke up and packed up all my things due to the vertibird arriving today. Johnson and Henry also packed up but Alex is taking forever to pack all his notes. I am going to guess it will take a whole hour for him to finish packing all his things up.

Day 13 and 7 hours since the Enclave was destroyed: We all finished packing our things and are ready to move. I asked the vertibird team on the ham radio where to go for pick up and they gave us some coordinates which is going to take a long time to walk but we are ready for anything at this point.

Day 13 and 10 hours since the Enclave was destroyed: We went over the game plan and are beginning to move out towards the pick up area.'

Day 13 and 17 hours since the Enclave was destroyed: We made it to the vertibird and escaped it was a hard fight to make it due to the number of raiders that blocked our path but we pushed past them and moved closer to the vertibird. Once we made it to 1 hour of walking left we got attacked by The Brotherhood of steal again they must have tapped into our coms our something cause they got us good. I was badly wounded and so was Johnson. Henry took a lot of bullets due to his hellfire armor and got a lot of them with his flamer. Alex helped with patching up me and Johnsons wounds. I reckon the only thing that saved us was the vertibird seeing the fight and giving us air support. Once the battle was over we sadly lost Henry but I did grab his helmet to remember him by. He was a good soldier and I will miss him but there is nothing we can do to save him now. All we can do is remember him but the rest of us survived. I do not know where the vertibird is going but it is going somewhere and anywhere is better then this wasteland I reckon. I only hope this is not the end of my story but only time will tell.

The end.

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