Our trip

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3 months later
" No way am I goin near that thing mate!" Tom exclaims pointing at the dragon in the Harry Potter realm.

"C'mon my dear friend. It won't hurt you!" I reply pushing him closer to the dragon.

"I'd rather walk digon alley!"

"Mate, you are very pathetic." Haz says blatantly.

"Haz! I thought you were on my side!" Tom exclaims and fake pouts. This boy is so scary.

"Thomas Stanley Holland! You march your butt up there now and wait! If a fifteen year old can do it so can you!" I tell him crossing my arms. There is no way we all do this and Tom doesn't. He better get his butt over there or imma drag him by his ear.

He soon starts walking. Slowly, but he's doing it none the less.

"Are you sue this is safe?!?"

"Yes Thomas. Now stand and wait!" As we all stood and waited Tom being closest, paddy not far behind him, and me and haz standing not far back but not all that close. Although that wasn't a good idea. Me and Harrison have been asked three times if we were together. And, no we aren't. All of a sudden a loud roar breaks me from my train of thought and back to reality.
Then boom out of no where fire! Straight out of the dragons mouth. If I was a marshmallow that would have toasted me right then and there.

After universal
No one but me likes Harry Potter. How?!? Like Draco I would take as a friend. But Harry?!?  Oh no! I think I've fallen!! Like cmon.
Tom- Cedric.
Well haz doesn't count because I said you had to pick a boy.

"Ok, if I were a girl I'd still pick Hermione! If that's a problem get, go, bye!" Haz says a little loud.

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