Chapter 3

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Alyssa's POV
"Mom I can NOT quit cheer I'd rather die or I'd rather spend the last times I have left doing what I love and spending time with friends and family than just sitting in hospital room until I die." Mom: you're not going to die lyss Olivia , your dad and I aren't going to let that happen and in this case you don't have an option you're going to the hospital and doing the kemo , I'm sorry lyss but it's for you're own good."
(Lyss walks away sobbing)
"Why me? Why me?"

Julia's POV
I think Livs Idea was so great! I'm so lucky to have a friend who even in the WORST situations finds away to make it positive. I will do whatever it takes to help them and I want them to know that.

Olivia's POV
our fundraiser starts next week. I posted it all over my social media and called officials so that this can happen. We will wash cars , sell food, sell cheer things and merch, and whatever else we have to do. There will be three fundraisers a week until lyss is better. Most of the money will go to lyss with medical stuff and any extra will be getting me back into cheer extreme. But that's not the point right now.

Alyssa's POV
I really appreciate Olivia and Julia doing the fundraisers for me and I have the best sister in the world to get me through this . I have to tell my team and my class that I have stage 3 cancer tomorrow. Well that's going to suck, so yeah.

Moms POV
I hope lyss will be ok , I told her that there is no chance of her dying which isn't true if she thinks I'm strong maybe she'll be strong . I'm so glad that liv is doing the fundraising. It's in the news and lots of people will show up and I just want this to be all over.

Hey guys i know not that many people read it but I didn't think anyone would so thank you guys and do u like it so far???

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