Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

*Mason's P.O.V.*

It's been pretty intense trying to console Madison. I've been trying to get her to feel better about herself, and know that she is loved, but I don't think she quite grasps just how important she is to the family. I had spent a lot invested in finding my sister. As soon as I had the capability to, I got as much publicity as I needed to find her. I even managed to keep my name out of the situation so I didn't have imposters trying to get with me.

It kinda sickens me to think that could happen, but I know if the fans found out, they would be unstoppable, and they will do some crazy things.

I've tried to keep most of my life as private as possible, but even the biggest attempts can dive-bomb. Now that I do have her, I know letting the press find out about her would stress her out way more than she needs to be. She is, afterall, still recovering from her worst episode yet. I can just barely keep myself from cancelling the tour just to stay and help her. But I know as soon as I'm gone, I might just have to keep as much contact with her as possible.

I already have as many people as I can get to chase down Mr. and Mrs. Walker. I am still doubting those are even their real names. As soon as I get my hands on them, God knows what I will do to them. They screwed up my childhood, and they aren't going to get away with it. I know one way or another they are going to try and contact her. I have her phone filtered with caller ID and people filtering the calls. I have a security guard always following her so I know that she isn't going to be taken. I have taken every precaution possible to ensure my twin sister isn't going to break down, or even in the slightest let them get in contact with her.

I leave tomorrow, and I'm still really nervous about the whole ordeal. So the boys decided that we are going to have a movie night. I'm thrilled. I can't wait for my best friends to get to know Madison. It's just going to be easier for them to hang out and skype with me while I talk to her during the tour. I have even planned a few suprise visits, and maybe, I hope, a week that she can stay with us while we are on tour. As far as I know, she wasn't really a fan before. That just means we have a clean slate to start off on. I'm extremely excited about that. Though, its weird to think that even though she's been here for a week, that she still has yet to meet my girlfriend.

Alex has been on vacation with her family for the last two weeks, and all of the stress I've been going through just makes me miss her more. I finally get to spend tonight with her, and I'm not sure if Madison will like her. I hope she does, because she means the world to me. I'm just going to be hopeful and hope to god that they will get along.


I'm so nervous. Madison is up in her room getting ready for the movie night, and I'm waiting for Alex to show up. She should be here any minute.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up from the couch I was sitting on and walked down the hallway to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. As soon as I saw the face on the other side of the door, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and wrapped my arms around the beautiful brunette standing on my doorstep. She hugged me back, dropping her suitcases in the process, and looked up into my eyes with those beautiful hazel ones that I adored.

"Mason? Who's there?" Madison called from the other room. Alex looked at me questioningly and walked in the doorway. I gestured for her to follow me, and we walked down the hallway towards Madison's room. I stood in the open doorway, and smiled at Madison.

"I have someone that I would love for you to meet," I said, moving out of the way for Madison to see Alex. "This is my girlfriend, Alex."

"Nice to meet you," Madison said, walking up to Alex to shake her hand. It's funny how she thinks she's gonna shake hands rather than a hug. We don't roll that way here. As I was thinking I chuckled a bit as Alex threw Madison into a huge hug. She has a tendency to be just as friendly as Aedan, and I loved her for it. Her and her imperfections.

"Mason has told me much about you," Alex said, smiling at me. "You look a lot alike. More than I was expecting."

"Yeah... Sorry, but I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. Though I have seen him texting someone with a giddy smile on his face when he thought I wasn't looking," Madison chuckled, giving me her "da fuck didn't you tell me" look. I smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't know how to tell you. I hope you aren't mad," I said, a bit of teasing in my voice.

"Nah, I can't exactly get mad at you. You're too much of a dork for that," she teased, causing for both of our smiles to get extremely huge.

Just then, my phone vibrated. I expect that would be Liam. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked.

Liam: Ready when you are.

Me: Then everything is ready for the suprise?

Liam: Yup. Just get over here and remember that "suprise" of yours ;)

I laughed and checked my back pocket for the ring box. It was still there like it was. I smiled and replied: K be there in maybe about 10 minutes. Be ready.

I have been planning on proposing to Alex for the last year. I got the nerve to ask her father about a month ago before she went on vacation. During the time she was away, I worked out my plan to propose to her. I guess you can say it's true when they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

"Ok, time to get in the car. It's time for movies and junk food," I said smiling. I was nervous as hell. Just the thought that I was going to propose was killing me. My stomach was doing somersaults and I was messing with the rings on my fingers. I just hope that Madison isn't going to react that harshly to it. Alex did live at my house, after all. I don't think she really knows that, but I don't want to think about it now. I just need to make sure that my nerves don't get the best of me.


As we pulled up to Liam's house, my pre-proposal jitters were getting a bit unnerving. Alex wanted to find Brooke when we got out so I unleashed her in the house before I turned back to look at Madison. I didn't have to worry that they were gonna tell, because Brooke is the only one that doesn't know my plan.

"Madison, there's something I need to tell you, so I know you don't freak out tonight..." I said, looking her in the eyes.

"And what would that be?" she replied, walking around the car to me. I was a bit happy to finally tell her.

"I'm proposing to Alex tonight, I know you just met her, but I know she's the one," I said trying to explain my feelings, but not loud enough to where Alex could hear if she was hanging around, trying to spy on me. She has a tendency to be really sneaky and catch on to some of my plans. That's why I always get jittery whenever I was planning a date. I always got caught, and she usually knew me too well. I just hope I get to catch her by suprise.

I was suprised when I heard Madison be so calm about the situation.

"Cool. I'm really proud of you. You may not have given me a chance to know her, but I can tell just by the car ride here that her affection towards you is genuine. I'm really happy for you," she said smiling. "Just don't screw it up."

I smiled. "Not a chance."

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