Chapter 14-Ode to Mitch Grassi

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Kirstie POV
Tour is over, finally. Our wedding is in three months. I'm excited as cuss. I sit next to Avi on the plush couch, and rest my head on his shoulder. He changes the channel to Nick. He takes my hand, and rubs circles on my hands.
"Ba n da da da," Avi sings.
"What is-"
"World under my skin," he sings.
"O my, I'm video taping this."
"There for you to find. All I've kept within, laid before your eyes," he attempts to sing in Mitch's octave, but fails miserably. I'm rolling on the floor, getting all of this on tape. When he finishes, I send the video on the PTX group message. When his phone dings, indicating the message he received, he frowns at me. "That was for you only."
"Oh, you'll just have to sing all of the songs Mitch sings in a show for me," I laugh.
"Tonight at seven," he bellows "watch the amazingly talented, sexy, model, actress, magician Avi Kaplan perform an ode to Mitch Grassi! Be there, or be square!"
"Sure. What's the attire?"
"Business casual," he says, and walks into the kitchen.
"Okay," I laugh. It was six thirty, so I walk into the bedroom, and put on some black dress pants, a white top, and shrug on a black blazer. I walk into the living room, and Avi stretches in preparation for tonight. He places one hand on his calf, and extends the other to the floor.
"Did I say business casual? I meant pajamas," he furrows his brow, and I trudge off to change. When I come back into the living room, Avi is goofily pelvic thrusting around the room. I laugh, and he begins singing Latch in Mitch's falsetto voice, epically failing. The night continues, with an abundance of pelvic thrusting, voice cracks, and laughter. Late that night, we tire ourselves out, and prepare for bed.
I have a severe case of writer's block. I'm so sorry. DM me ideas!
~Rachel 👻

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