Visiting Hours

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AN: I dug around for fanfics of these two, and I only found a short cute drabble. Even though I make fan art of them from time to time, I just had to make a longer fic for them! This'll be relatively short, just a few chapters. Also I watched a bunch of holiday Hallmarky movies recently, so that should tell you that this'll be a bit on the cheesy side.

(But hey, Jojo's itself has its cheesy moments xp~)

Italics are for thoughts, [Underlined text in brackets is Thoth's predictions]


"Hey kid, are you ever gonna look away from that book?" Boingo looked up at him, moving Thoth a few inches downward to make eye contact. "It's a manga." He said quietly, covering his face again. "Same thing, ain't it?" Hol Horse huffed, crossing his arms.

The cowboy was laying in a hospital bed, having foregone his normal outfit and was wearing a loose brown t-shirt he had packed along with a worn pair of jeans. His cowboy hat was resting on a nearby small nightstand, it's straps dangling off of it.

He pulled out a box of cards from his stand. "Wanna play Go-Fish?" Boingo didn't bother to peek from his reading. "Looks like it's Solitaire again."

A gentle knock on the door caught their attention. "Come in." Hol's deeper voice drowned out Boingo's mumbled greeting as they welcomed the nurse in.

A beautiful woman with dusky skin, bright purple eyes, and long dark brown hair tied into a bun stood at the doorway. A silver chain with a shiny red pendant was around her neck. "Hello Boingo. I brought you some powdered donuts, as requested." She spoke softly, a gentle smile on her face as she waved. Boingo silently gave her a thumbs up.

"Mr. Equi—" "Miss Malena, I've said you could call me Hol." He grinned cheekily, causing Boingo to roll his eyes. "We've known each other for a few while now, haven't we?" He raised his eyebrows, still keeping the smirk on his face. Boingo glanced down at Thoth, then up at Nurse Malena. "Give it a rest." He sighed internally.

"You woke up a few days ago. Though to be fair, that must've felt like a long time. " Malena placed Boingo's food tray down on his lap, then walked over to Hol Horse's bed.

"And it looks like that rest paid off. Your bullet wound is healing nicely." She commented, gently pushing the bandages up his forehead, a finger to her chin as she examined it.

The tall haired child's eyes shone as he stared at the donuts, and gently set Thoth down. However, colors began appearing on Thoth's pages. "Thoth wouldn't prophesize something so mundane..Unless.." He quickly glanced up as Nurse Malena handed Hol Horse a cup of water. The cowboy thanked her and slowly brought the cup up to his lips. "Oh no."

[While having dinner, Hol Horse began choking on his water given to him by Nurse Malena.

Boingo couldn't bear the thought of seeing the kind lady getting wet, so he decided to kick the bed's rail. Ouch!]


Boingo raised his foot a bit into the air.


He gulped, tightly shutting his eyes.


He slammed his foot against the cold metal of the bed, causing it to vibrate as he let out a yelp.

Malena gasped as she rushed over to his side, while Hol Horse simultaneously spit out his water in the place she had been. "Oh dear, are you alright? Let me check if there's any bruising." She lifted up the hem of his pants. "I-I'm fine Miss Malena." He mumbled quietly as she pulled out a bandaid from the first aid kit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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