Part 3 Issues

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Later that night, I heard my parents talking in a low voice.

I think the church was good for her.

You think?

I mean yeah, she warmed up after a little bit.

This is good for her, it's a chance to forget about the past.

I don't think she'll forget about the past Jose.

I pretended to walk into the kitchen from the stairs, "Holaaa," I say cooly.

My parents looked startled but it only flashed for a second and then my mom said, "Oh good mija, you came downstairs because Matías will be here any minute."

My heart jumped, "What why?"

My mom shook her head, and a look of sympathy showed in her eyes. "You need to get out of the house."

My blood started to boil. She felt sorry for me. I resisted the urge to punch something. Something hard. Instead, I dug my fingernails inside my palm.

"Cecillia!" She yelled, and she made sure to show the disappointment in her face. My mom held her face in her hands. She glanced down at the floor where my drops of blood sat.

My dad had already walked away and mumbled, "I can't handle this shit again, dios."

"Come, come baby," she said and motioned me to the sink.

I blink back tears and nod.

I put my hands out and she started to wash and bandage them.

"All I want is to help you, but I can't do that if you don't let me," she tells me.

"Mom...I'm sorry I've really been trying. I just- it's just hard," I start to choke up. I will never be able to repay her for all that she has done for me.

The doorbell rings.

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