Just give it up

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! WARNING ! Cursing, Gore (?)

have some fun with my first oneshot. hope it doesnt suck too much!! (theres a yt vid up top thats related so plz watch it)


Kirishima POV

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Everything was planned to the dot, yet, somehow, we weren't prepared for this. No one was.

Faint sounds of cars screeching to a stop ring in my ears. The pleads from my friends are brushed to the side as my eyes fall shut. Fingers grazing the wooden floor as my hand makes its way to his. When we connect, his fingers are rough like always, nails bitten down to the end. I hook my broken pinky into his limp one just for him to disappear, hand ripped away from mine.

My eyes won't open but it doesn't stop me from trying to reach in the direction he was pulled. Smooth arms wrap around my body and I slump into them. I know it's not him. I know it's not, but I can't move anymore. I'm so tired. I just want to stop; just want it all to stop. Feeling safe in the stranger's arms, blocking out the noises, I allow myself to drift off into a black abyss. I allow myself to give up.


My eyes flutter open and it's bright. I almost think I've found my way into heaven until I hear a whisper of someone I used to know.


It's soft like an angel's. But I know it's not because I feel the sadness radiating off the syllables in small waves. I recognize it as Mina's but...it's just not her to sound like this.

I carefully turn my head in her direction, ignoring the slight pulsing of pain it causes to go through my neck. She's a wreck. Her hair is even messier than usual and her eyes are filled with bloodshot hope. Her arm has a blue brace around it? Dark circles frame her eyes as she gives me a relieved smile, spinning in her chair to shake two figures beside her.

"Guys! He's up. He's up!" She whispers excitedly, as if she's being careful not to wake someone else.

I watch as Denki and Sero mumble half asleep sentences like, "He's woke?" "Five more minutes mom." I try to take a look around the room by lifting my head, but I'm instantly dizzy and drunk on the fuzzy dots filling my sight.

"Hey! Hey, chill man." I hear Denki shoot up from his seat when my head plops down on the bed with a thunk, "You got a concussion and were bleeding pretty bad in your brain there, so let's maybe not do that."

He shoots me a small smile that is tinted with sadness. What happened that got me a concussion? Did I...did I break?

I open my mouth to ask about it but feel my lips painfully crack. I clamp them back shut, causing Mina to jump up and start filling a glass with water. A side effect of my quirk that I've never been particularly fond of. Any time I overused my quirk a part of my body would start to break apart at the surface. It would eventually heal (quicker with an ointment Kat made for me), leaving a faint scar, but it's never been fun to feel your skin tearing.

Mina presses the end of the cup to my chapped lips, "Sorry, this is all I can give you. I couldn't find your special stuff so..." she trails off, pouring water into my slightly opened mouth.

"Shit, he's awake? Why'd no one tell me?"

"Come on man. Don't try to act like you weren't just half awake for five minutes."

"It's called half asleep for a reason, you membrane."

"Did you just call me a membrane?"

"Did I stutter?"

Just give it up//kiribaku oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now