A hero's determination

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Welcome to the prologue (btw, this was originally the first draft, actually it still is, i didnt add on, lol. i yote it out cuz they werent even in the hospital yet and it was ab 4k words....)

(also ignore kiri and kat's relationship being under-wraps, mina and sero dating, and the fact i planned to make kat die or sum in the first draft-)


Kirishima POV

Give up. I never thought these words would ever stop me in my tracks. I was supposed to be the one who never wavered, staying a strong shield for those who froze when the syllables of those two words filled their heads. But those letters, the small insignificant little things, wormed their way into my brain.

I wanted to give up.

I wanted to leave it all behind, to relinquish every little thing I had for the one someone I ever cared about. I just want him back. My everything. My life. I just want him back.

But I know it's not going to happen. (Alt: But my conscious mind is aware this event will not occur.)


"Hey Kat, pass me my gears will you?"

I make a gesture at the red shapes behind him on the opposite side of the room. We were prepping for a mission to catch LOV 2.0. Basically some villains decided it would be cool to start up another evil gang; capturing people with special quirks and experimenting on them just like ol' hand job and his helpers. The Bakusquad was assigned the mission of taking them down since there were only five of them so far. After a few months we found their hideout, figured out their schedule, and have a list of all the members' quirks. So I'm not all that worried. Well, as worried.

Katsuki grabs my gears and chucks them at me without a sound, grabbing his gauntlets and strapping them on. I catch the red objects easily and slip them on my arms, fastening them into my shoulders. Kat's probably nervous about the mission, though he'll never admit it. He's always been concerned when I go into battle, knowing my habit of protecting others before myself.

"Ei, lets go. The other idiots are probably already done." Katsuki grabs his duffel bag filled with anti-quirk cuffs.

"Other idiots? Are you saying I'm an idiot too?"

"Tch. Fuck yea I am. You having to ask that proves my point, ya dingus. Now move your cute ass, we gotta go."

I follow him out the door smiling a little (Maybe a lot). I may be an idiot but I still have a cute ass, eh?

The sky lights from The Fat Gum Agency flood my senses and I take a deep breath, my smile falling from my face. I know everything is going to be fine but I can't help but feel a little nervous. It's like there's an eerie feeling gnawing away at my optimism. I don't know how to combat it.

"Hey! It's not my fault. Mina, why you gotta go and throw me under the bus everytime?"

We step outside and see Denki pointing at a flat tire, Sero on top of the borrowed car, I might mention, and Mina is standing with her hand on her hip.

"The hell are you complaining about now, plug socket? Knowing you it probably was your fault." Kat spits at Kaminari as he pouts.

"Yea, this dude decided it was a good idea to take the car for a joy ride before we arrived. And now we've got a flat tire because of it." Mina examines the tire, trying to find the problem.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah." Denki waves his hands back and forth, "Just because you and Sero are baes and shit doesn't mean he wasn't in the car with me!"

Just give it up//kiribaku oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now