We All Have It

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Andy's P.O.V

I spoke to Charlie for a good twenty minutes before we all decided to play a game called We All Have It. I didn't like the title, but the game was good. The rules are you have to say a catagory like Sports or Creativity and you have to come back with one thing in that catagory you're good at.

"Fandoms!" Chris exclaims, putting a finger to his chin and smiling, "yes. Perfect!"

"Wait. So it's like one thing you're good at or all the things you're good at?" Charlie asks, leaning her head on the sofa arm as she's sitting next to Ginger on the floor.

"Just one. Having seen your videos we'd be here forever if you listed all of your fandoms or talents!" PJ laughs, swiveling in the office chair he's sitting on.

"Ok, ok. I choose...hmm...DISNEYWORKS!!!" Charlie declares, standing up and holding her arms out as though it was the best thing ever, though all of us but Ginger and Chris looked confused.

"What's that?" Dan and PJ ask in unison.

"It's not obvious? If you don't know I can't help you." Charlie smirks, sitting back down. In the probably now twenty five minutes I've known her plus watching most of her YouTube videos, I've found she's very good at sneaking about and keeping secrets. She's got a few talents as well. We all roll our eyes but Charlie. She just laughs a bit and turns to Ginger.

"Umm...I guess I like...I like Disneyworks, too..."

"You can't have one somebody's already said!" Phil shouts, standing up and heading for the kitchen.

"Ugh...fine...The Hunger Games!"

"Good choice, my friend, but mine is even better." Alex grins, standing up and holding a stick of rock up, "DOCTOR WHO!!"

"No, no, no. I have one that's SO much better than all that shiz in Doctor Who...BATMAN!!" Jamie declares, waggling some Batman wristband she has in Alexis' face.

"This is why I didn't choose one of these popular things...I seriously couldn't choose between those lot." Charlie mumbled to herself.

"Well I choose Muse!" I laugh, shuffling to the side so Dan and Phil can't kill me for choosing theirs.

"That was mine!" Dan exclaims, but Phil just shrugs and chuckles.

"Too bad! Right, you're up next, Howell! Give us your best!"

"I had a backup," Dan grins, pointing to a box set next to the TV, "Sherlock!"

"Agh! That was mine!" Chris moans, rolling around on the sofa he's got to himself.

"In your face, then, Kendall!"

"No, in your face, Howell! STARTRECK!!!"

"WHAT!? That was mine!" Phil complains, trotting back from the kitchen with some Ribena in his hand, "naughty Chris!"

"POKÉMON!!!" Peej screams so Phil can't say it sooner, "oh yeah, Lester, how you like that?"

"They get competitive during games...any games..." I whisper to Charlie, who just laughs a reply.

"It's like a disease." Alex adds, looking down at Charlie from her spot on the sofa next to Chris' legs as she was the only one aloud on 'his' sofa.

"AMERICAN HORROR STORY!!!" Phil squeals out of the blue, making us all laugh.

"Now, creativity." Peej grins.

"Agh! No! I'm not creative!" Dan groans, slouching back against the wall.

Phil's P.O.V

"Creativity isn't only Art, Dan! I can think of something you're amazing at that's creative!" Charlie shakes her head at Dan, letting a slight chuckle slip from her lips.

The voice of reason. It's beautiful...


I'm going crazy!

"Aah, ok...I'm an actor!" Chris smiles, calmly. I've never seen Chris calm in his life. Wow.

"Perfect example of creativity, Chris! For me, I choose photography! Jamie?" PJ declares.

"Err...I guess...I can draw..?"

"You're the perfect person to draw!" Ginger laughs, sitting up and shoving her hand into her bag, "writing stories! That's me!"

I heard Charlie sigh quietly. Ginger's probably taken hers. I hate it when that happens...

"Sarcasm! I am perfect with sarcasm! Ironicness! That's a word!" Dan cries, but Jamie shakes her head;

"No, Howell! That doesn't count!"

"Fine...comedy! I guess you could say I'm a comedian..." Dan whispers, but we all nod.

"Good, good...Phil?" Ginger smiles warmly at me.

"Ooooooooh, me...I guess...my...editing skills..?" I stammer, not really have thought about what I was going to say.

"You don't need to sound so unsure about it, Phil! Your editing skills are awesome!" Charlie beams at me. She spoke to me.

I'm like a stupid Fangirl, saying things like that. I hit myself again, causing the attention of most of them. None of them knew why I did it, though...apart from Dan...

"I don't have one..." Charlie mutters, and Alex bursts out laughing.

"You're kidding me, right? You have way too many talents!!" Ginger shouts, chuckling herself.

"No- oh. I guess I have one talent...I'm not half bad on the piano...or guitar..."

"You're musical then!" PJ ruffles up Charlie's hair as he goes past her and bends down next to Ginger, pulling a notebook out her bag. Ginger doesn't mind. She just looks over at him and smiles.

"I like crafting." Alex grins, peeking over Peej's shoulder.


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