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Hello! Author Rei-san again!

This book is on hold and will be uploading in the future!

There are other works I've been working on so please bare with me!

I will not drop this book but will leave it on hold for a moment

While waiting for some chapters, please comment any jokes, vines, tweets, memes or anything cracks that I will use for humor and comedy in the future! (Will surely tag you if you will do so and will be much appreciated!)

Will be back after a month or two in the book

New chapters will be published coming soon!

Please bare with me, onegai! Need to catch up on school works and some things

As a exchange for my hiatus, I will be making 1-5 volumes of this "DaiHaru and FKBU in a nutshell" book in the future for more FKBU and DaiHaru content

Thank you!

Have a great day/night!


Balance: Unlimited~

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