Chapter Nineteen

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Just before a long show, I sat on the stage with Vincent. It was just the two of us because the club didn't open for another two hours. For the first time since we arrived, everything was quiet. It was a rare moment of peace in our hectic life. We would have to start playing as soon as the doors opened. For the time being, we enjoyed a moment of relaxation.

"I feel like I could sleep for a fortnight," Vincent muttered.

His eyes kept fluttering. He rocked back and forth slightly. We had been here for a month and a half, but we still hadn't gotten used to the shows. The drugs helped, but only for so long. Eventually, we built up a tolerance to the drug and had to up the dosage. Oscar and Clyde were already at four pills a day. Benedict and I were lucky, we didn't have to go above two. Vincent was at three.

"I want to sleep forever," I muttered, "We should have never left Bristol."

Vincent shook his head, "Don't say that, Lia. We're playing professionally now."

"And we weren't at The dancehall?"

"This is bigger," he replied.

I sighed. As much as I agreed with him, I also disagreed. We had a bigger chance here, yes, but at what cost? Out sanity? Our morals? Our health?

"You two look exhausted."

Vincent and I glanced up to see Lyra Gray standing about a foot away. As usual, she had a smile on her face and a headband in her hair. Every time I saw her, she seemed to become even more beautiful. She had cut her hair down to her shoulders, a stark contrast to when it was nearly at her buttox.

"That obvious?" Vincent chuckled, "We're knackered."

"Eight-hour shows will do that to you," I sighed.

Vincent laughed, "Especially if some are twelve."

"That's ridiculous," Lyra scoffed, "Should be illegal."

"Illegal or not, it's happening."

Lyra sighed, "You could quit, you know."

"You know we won't do that," I replied.

Vincent shrugged, "You've got the same hours, why don't you quit?"

"I'm not putting all my energy into music all day, I'm just serving drinks," Lyra smiled, "Besides, this is the only job I have, until I can get through university."

Lyra had explained to us she was going to university to become a director. She loved music, yes, but her real passion was musicals. She wanted nothing more than to direct a few live hits that might even make it to Broadway. If anyone could do it, I knew it would be Lyra. She was always humming tunes I never heard, and she kept a tiny notebook in her apron at all times for when inspiration struck.

Vincent shook his head. From backstage, we all heard Oscar call out his name. He stood and winked at Lyra, "Until later, love."

I rolled my eyes. All of the lads were flirts, Vincent most of all. It seemed as if he couldn't see a girl without flirting with her, even when he had a steady girlfriend back home. Part of me wanted to tell Isabelle about his escapades in Dublin. A small smirk crossed my face when I realized what I held over him.

"Auf wiedersehen."

We watched him go. Lyra moved to sit next to me, bringing out her notebook and scribbling a few things down. I rested my chin on my knees and took a deep breath. At that moment, all I wanted was to curl up in my bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

"What're you writing?" I asked, doing my best to hold back a yawn.

Lyra nodded, "A song for my musical."

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