Are you following me or not

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Bold/ Parseltounge.

Thoughts ''



Belladonna POV.

'Today we're leaving to go back to Hogwarts and I don't know if I should tell Ron and Hermione about what has happen over the holiday season or not I mean I'm now engage to the man that tried to kill me more time then I can count but if they hate me for it I could always erase their memories so they don't remember what I told them. I was drawn out of my thoughts as me, Draco, and are parents all got to platform 9 3/4 as we say are good-bye.' "Bye I will make sure to write see you in summer. Draco I'm going to find Ron and Hermione I need to talk to them about everything and see if they will follow me or not." As I said that the look on Draco face that he understand it.

Draco POV.

"Look I know that you would do this ever since the meeting so I'm coming with you. Malfoy's stick together no matter what so now let's go find your friends." As we walk to find Weasley and Granger.

Belladonna POV.

'As we where looking for Ron and Hermione we finally came across them they were sitting in the usual compartment on the train. I hope as their friend they understand my reasoning behind everything I hope that they would follow me along on my decision if they were my good friends.' "Hey Ron Hey Hermione I was wondering if I could talk to you guys about something. Something happened over the holiday and I really need to tell you guys I don't want you guys to overreact or be mad at me I hope that once I tell you this you will understand why I agree to the whole terms of the conditions." I never said that I could see the look in her eyes of worriedness watched over them.

Hermione POV.

"Belladonna Malfoy I have known you long before you become a Malfoy so please we're your friends we know you so whatever you're doing you're doing it for a good reason but mainly doing it to protect someone so we're not going to be mad or in Ron's case over react as he normally does so please just tell us will understand." I knew it had to be something big or Bella would never overreact like this unless it was something that she wanted to protect us from.

Belladonna POV.

'Merlin sometimes I forget how smart Hermione is as I looked over Ron look completely white in the face I knew it was now or never tell my friends just what I have gotten in myself into over the break.' "Okay but just remember I told you do not overreact. So at the Malfoy Christmas party there was a special guest the Dark Lord and as the New Daughter of the Malfoy. I had the honor to have a personal chat with him I was told I was either to marry him or I was to have my friends and family killed. So I agree to the marriage I cannot stand by and watch as my friends and family get murdered once again I just hope as my friends you'll understand why I chose this and if you don't want to be friends with me would it be okay with that and could erasing your memory of ever hearing about this." As I said that I could feel the tears streaming down my face I did not want to know what they were thinking with a response.

Ron POV.

'I know Bella's since first year I know damn well she does not do anything stupid without fucking reason so agree to a marriage to the man who killed her birth parents she had no choice but he would have mostly kill her best friends which is us and the Malfoy who are now her family. I knew that Hermione answer was the same as mine.' "So let me get this straight you go home to Malfoy Manor the dark lord threatened you at the Christmas party to either marry him or he killed your best friends and your new family and you chose to marry him to save everyone; I don't see anything different that you normally do so we're not mad I'm pretty sure we could understand that and that's just one hell of a Christmas break." The look on Bella's face was pretty funny she looks shocked and a little confused.

Draco POV.

"Let me get this straight you two aren't mad that Bella has to marry the Dark Lord and you're okay with it. So basically you're saying that you're okay with your best friend marrying the man who killed her parents and you will back her no matter what damn gryffindor's are really must be on a whole different level of dumb." They look a little offended by that but I didn't care if it was true.

🎂🎉Happy birthday to me 01/17/1998 I'm 23 now. 🎂🎉


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