Chapter 6

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I slowly gained consciousness. Partly because my I could hear warm breathing in my ear, and partly because someone was squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. I slowly moved my head to look at my captor remembering with a sharp realization that the person holding me close to their body was the blonde dildo named Malfoy.

My breathing increased slightly and I tried to calm myself down. I was cuddling with someone. And they weren't Aiden. They weren't Aiden. Malfoys dating someone. He's dating Pansy. Oh god I hate her. No. No this is wrong. But he's kinda warm. Interesting given he's the coldest guy I've ever met.

I pinched myself and tried to focus on something. Disappointingly enough the only half interesting thing in this cabin was Malfoy given that sometime after I had fallen asleep the blinds must have been drawn so there wasn't much of a view. I sighed and moved my attention to him. He seemed so calm in the dream realm, so careless. His hair was strewn across his face, long strands falling down in uneven parts, accenting his sharp jawline and cheekbones.

A sudden squeeze around my waist caused a gasp to emerge as I tried to catch my breath. His eyes snapped open and he quickly assessed the situation before sitting up and leaning his elbows on his knees and rubbing his temple. I moved my legs so I was sitting next to him. I pat my thighs awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"So, do you always suffocate everyone you cuddle," I attempted to lighten the mood, but the old Malfoy was back.

"We weren't cuddling," He snapped back.

"Ok ok calm down," I raised my hands in submission.

"I'm dating Pansy," He muttered to himself.

"I liked you better when you were asleep," I mumbled.

"I don't fucking care what you think," His voice was sharp as razors. It was aimed to hurt and strangely enough, it did. I shook it off and after the pain wore down, anger emerged.

"Lucky enough it's not like we spend the entire trip together. We don't have to talk the second we get back on the ground. You know better yet, let's just start now," I snarled and moved to the other seat, pulling open the shades and watched the clouds come in and out of view. The mountain tops bobbing into view.

Neither of us said anything as we landed back onto the ground and left the cabin. Everyone else was talking with eachother as they stepped out of their own chariots. Some holding out their hands out to assist the other prefect emerged.

Tall Evergreens towered over everyone and in a clearing sat 4 small cabins and in the middle sat a larger one. They were all made of wood with vines crawling around the roof. It had to already have been late afternoon from where the sun was, shining through the trees. Professor McGonogall stood on the steps to the larger cabin and we all advanced closer to her.

"Welcome to the vacation prefects. We have decided to change some things up this year. First off. There will be no boys and girls cabins, there will be house cabins. Meaning you will be sharing the space with your fellow counterpart. Another thing, we are confiscating your wands for your duration of time here, the best way to connect is sometimes without magic. Alright, you may now settle into your cabins where your luggage is already waiting. The rest of the day will be spent in your new living space. So have fun and we will see you tomorrow," Professor McGonogall then began informing everyone on which cabin was theirs.

I walked almost in a trance while I handed in my wand and walked to my cabin. Have fun avoiding him now. I entered into the small wood cabin, looking around the living room. A large couch and a muggle tv sat in the room, with a small fireplace crackling and alive beneath it. It was definitely a homey place, and I would most likely be excited if I were sharing it with the other girls. I opened one of the doors to the left of the fireplace and entered into a room. It had a full size bed in the middle with an ornate wooden headboard and a small wooden chair in the corner. I opened the closet to find all of my clothes neatly hung up.

I turned and walked out of the room to see a Malfoy sitting on the couch, playing with the remote. I moved and sat next to him.

"So what are we watching," I asked.

"I thought you weren't going to talk to me," He commented, eyes glued to the blank tv.

"Do you want me to stop?" I questioned him, I didn't want to not talk to anyone for the rest of the day. And from the looks of it he was going to be my only source of human interaction.

"Not really," He mumbled and I smirked.

"That's what I thought," I smiled.

"Bipolar bitch," He said as if I wouldn't hear him. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote from his clearly confused hands.

"I used one of these at a muggle hotel I stayed at for a weekend with Aiden," I explained as I pressed the power button and the screen lit up.

I pressed through channels before I found "Wizards of Waverly Place". We both stayed quite for a moment before the first sign of magic was showed using poor CGI.

"Do muggles really think this is what we are like?" Malfoy grimaced at the screen as I laughed.

"God I hope not. Can you imagine?" I spoke between my small fits of giggles. He nodded and continued to examine the show.

I looked over and Malfoy was pulling a notebook out of his coat pocket and grabbing a quill while he began writing with focus almost like he had when he played quidditch.

"Jesus Malfoy are you seriously analyzing this," I commented after looking at notes about each character.

"I feel like this plot will be hard to follow, therefor I'm writing it down," He shrugged and continued writing. I watched the screen for a few minutes before looking back and him.

"I don't think there is much of a plot," I leaned back and pulled my legs over the other, going criss cross applesauce as my tutor used to call it.

"Of course there's a plot. All of my books have a plot," He shrugged off my observation and kept to his own idea. His stubborn emotions ever present every time he spoke.

"This isn't one of your books this is a sit com. There's no plot," I reiterated. After analyzing for the rest of the episode, when ads came on he shut his book and sighed.

"Who the fuck writes something with no plot," He muttered before putting it back into the pocket of his jacket.

After watching tv for awhile longer we came to the conclusion this wasn't going to work for the rest of the day. So we went exploring, trying to find something else to do.

"Game! Malfoy I found a game!" I shrieked as I pulled games out of a small cupboard. Malfoy came sliding into the room and sat on the floor, waiting for me to bring the game down.

I sat down across from him and placed the game in between us. Large letters indicated that the game was called Monopoly.

"How peculiar," He squinted, looking at the little man on the cover of the game.

I nodded and lifted the cover of the box, presenting the fake money and board inside. He grabbed the instructions and we began to learn how to play this bizarre muggle game. 

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