...Tweet of the year

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~hii i don't usually write out my ideas but i thought i might try :)

-Allen POV
*4 months prior to Daisys death*
"You know she's sick why you leave her!?" Allen was screaming as loud as he could without waking up Daisy who was sleeping not too far away. "Sir you have you to understand we didn't leave her she needed rest and she requested that she sleep alone." The doctors words only angered Allen more if they knew there was a possibility something could happen they should've stayed with her regardless of her wishes. "You better hope that he's okay" these were the last words he spoke to Dr. Lee before storming off back to Daisys room

-Present Day Oct 10th 2016-
The entire world turned to panic as Allen's tweet made it to the headlines of every article "she's gone." it was so simple and yet it only took a second for everyone to understand, she was Daisy, Daisy was gone she had been missing for months and suddenly she's dead. The suspiciousness of this raised interest in a lot of fans wanting to uncover what had happened especially since the cause of death was labeled "suffocation" it clearly wasn't an accident. Danni just had to know.

I think i'm gonna try and write some again tomorrow~🌼

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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