There going back home to CA.

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-Kian's POV-

When I woke up I went upstairs and saw that it was 9:35 Ricky, Courtney, and Brianna were up. Bri and Ricky were text arguing and saying oh really out loud and Courtney was writing a new chapter on wattpad while listening to music.

R- Ricky

R- I'm really sry can we get back together?

B- wtf Ricky you messed up I was trying to be nice and you were being nothing but a fag and I'm mad at you I will never date a a$$hole like you again!


I was making breakfast and I saw Jc walk down the stairs.

"Dude our tour is over today we are going home! I mean not like I hate it here I'm just ready to get back to our house." he told Kian.

B- see we can't even try to give things another chance you are leaving today. goodbye Ricky p Dillion !

-Courtney's POV-
Once I heard that the boys were going home I was really upset I live Connor and I didn't want him to leave me.

About a half hour later Connor, Trevor, and Sam woke up and came down. I walked up to Connor.

"Hey baby can we walk outside and talk?" I asked sweetly.

"Umm ya sure let me grab a muffin." He said holding up one finger.

I walked out side and sat on the patio then he came out. I explained to him that he was leaving to go home today and that I didn't want to lose him. He said that I should move to California with him. I thought it was really sweet but I couldn't just get up and leave my family but I really wanted to be with him so I thought that maybe if I talked to my dad he may let me go. So I told him I'd talk to my dad.

***fast forward****

I talked to my dad and he said that it was my choice so I said that I was gonna go and the boys chose to stay one more week so I had time to get ready. I was really excited and Bri was upset and happy I think she was happy cause Ricky was leaving but upset cause I was leaving. Tara was bummed out because Kian was going back to LA and she was gonna lose him.

-Tara's POV-
I really didn't want to lose Kian he has been mire then just my boyfriend he has been like my best friend.

*****fast forward *******
It was one day before the guys were leaving and I had to talk my parents into letting me go to LA with Kian so I went to talk to them and they said that I could go. I was freaking out.

-random POV-
The next day Tara Courtney Ricky Kian Connor Trevor Jc and Sam were all ready to leave Bri was in a weird mood she was kinda happy and kinda upset she was losing 2 very special people in her life and she was the only one not going anywhere. Bri drove everyone to the airport we all said our goodbyes and she watch is all board our plains.

-Bris POV-
I said bye to every one then went home it was really weird no one thee but me and I was okay with that because I wasn't alone I ended up dating Jc's friend Christian he was really nice but then my ex boyfriend made him break up with me and I was all lonely again but I was still okay about 2 years later I found out that Courtney and Connor were getting married and then about 6 months later Tara and Kian got married. Then finally I was an aunt Tara and Kian had a very beautiful baby girl who they named Elisabeth after our gram she was the cutest thing. And like a year later Courtney and Connor had one I their own a little baby boy who they named Ray Otis after our pap and uncle and he was so handsome. But me I'm still single and just waiting to get to see my niece and my cousin Ray 111.


I hope you enjoyed the story. 😘😘😘😄😄☺😛😍

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