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Before my eyes opened, I felt the uncomfortability of the position I was in.

My neck was sore and I couldn't stretch my legs.

I opened my eyes slowly expecting light to show brightly through my window.

But I realized that I was not in my room, and it was dark outside.

I had not remembered falling asleep. Nor how long it had been since. But I had remembered that I was driving in the car with my mate. I sat up and realized that I was not where I remembered. I was in the back seat of the car laying down with a large coat over me. Did he move me here?

The car was stopped somewhere unfamiliar, and outside I could hear the slight tapping of rain on the windshield.

As soon as the thought of rain filled my head, I seemed to be hit with the cold air around me. I clung to the jacket over me. It smelled of him and It was intoxicating.

I sat up and curled my knees to my chest hoping to cover my feet with the jacket, and shuffled around to look outside.

I couldn't see anything but forest around. We seemed to be parked in the middle of nowhere. I saw the lights of the cars he had taken outside of the windows. But no one was around.

Sitting up I opened the door of the car to see what was going on.

A gust of wind and rain hit my face, but before I could step out, the door was immediately closed and the drivers seat door opened.

And of course it was my mate, in all his glory. He was soaked from the rain. He ran his hand through his wet now deep scarlet looking hair and unzipped his hoodie that he threw next to me and met my eyes.

"Uh?" I stammered, "Where are we?"

He sighed, "I had to stop and refill the gas tank with a canister".

"Oh.." I trailed off shivering at the cold.

He looked at my movements from the mirror as if taking notes on them before starting the car once again.

"Hey, Alpha" I said quietly as he paused, "It's really cold back here, Do you think I could come up there? And then you can have your jacket back".

He thought for a moment before nodding.

I quickly opened the door and ran to the other side of the car like a madman trying to stay dry as possible.

I plopped in matter of factly and sighed.

My mate looked at me, almost in horror before turning on the heat and beginning to pull off.

Awkwardly I sat there trying to think of what to say, but it was hard to stay focus. I didn't wanna look at him or smell him. Then my wolf would go crazy. Our proximity was already driving me nuts. I couldn't think straight.

Out of frustration I tried to casually fiddle with radio and turn on some soft tunes to cover the awkward silence. But as soon I touched it, a Christian gospel song began to blast through the car at max volume.

I struggled to turn it down and change the station. As I hated technology, and never did anything more than was needed on a phone. But I didn't think that working a radio would be so hard.

As It Revolves Around YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora